We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.


It is not a cakewalk to see the world clearly and read it in the right way.

Sometimes we didn't attain the things we expected, we might complain that the world deceived us.

Why did it give us the hope that eventually turned out to be nothing?

Why did it give us the illusions that we could succeed but at last we failed?

Maybe it is just a demon that loves to make tricks with us, and loves to see how we responded to its tricks.

Actually, maybe we just read it wrong and misunderstand its real meaning.

No matter what its intention really be, please treate our life seriously and do our best to make some better things happen in our life.

Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.


The Shanbay said it is a saying from Ian Maclaren.

I don't know this man before, and I know that Plato had said the same:

Be kind, for everyong you meet may fight a hard battle you don't know.

To make clear who said it and who was the original creator, I searched the answer on the internet.

Yes, Ian Maclarn, Plato, John Watson, and others I don't know, had all said that or expressed the same meaning.

Suddenly, I found I just made a mistake, it was not important at all to make clear who said it, it was important to learn something from the saying.

As for me, I think I am fighting a very hard battle now, I think I am experiencing some miserable things, but people around me don't know that, they think I am living a happy and wealthy life.

Yes, they don't know, yes, I don't know the battles they are fighting as well.

I had always prided on being an empathetic person, but I realize now I had not really understood what being empathetic meant.

To truly be empathetic, we must be able to see beyond our own pain to be witness to the pain.

Always take the time to be kind. Even when we are suffering our own pains.

Don't assume that someone else had it easier than us, we never know the battles they are fighting.


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