Related Attributes

These attributes are under namespace System.ComponentModel.Composition

  • Import

    The attribute can be used on fields, properties, parameters. E.g. If a property is defined with the attribute, the property will be created automatically when the object is created.

        [Import(RequiredCreationPolicy = CreationPolicy.NonShared)]
public EmployeeGridViewModel Model
return this.Owner.DataContext as EmployeeGridViewModel;
this.Owner.DataContext = value;
  • ImportingConstructor

    For previous example, how to create an instance of EmployeeGridViewModel? It will need attribute ImportingConstructor.
public EmployeeGridViewModel(IEmployeeService employeeService)
this.employeeService = employeeService;
  • Export: This attribute is used to register a class into MEF.

    Next question is how to create an instance of IEmployeeService, look this:
public class EmployeeService : IEmployeeService
{ }

These code registers EmployeeService as an impelement of type IEmployeeService.

  • PartCreationPolicy

    The attribtue is used with attribute Export, tell MEF the class creation policy, implment a singleton policy or create an instance always.


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