Link of the Paper:


  • LSTM units are complex and inherently sequential across time.
  • Convolutional networks have shown advantages on machine translation and conditional image generation.


  • The authors develop a convolutional ( CNN-based ) image captioning method that shows comparable performance to an LSTM based method on standard metrics.


  • The authors analyze the characteristics of CNN and LSTM nets and provide useful insights such as -- CNNs produce more entropy ( useful for diverse predictions ), better classification accuracy, and do not suffer from vanishing gradients.


  • Improved performance with a CNN model that uses Attention Mechanism to leverage spatial image features.

General Points:

  • Image Captioning is applicable to virtual assistants, editing tools, image indexing and support of the disabled.
  • Image Captioning is a basic ingredient for more complex operations such as storytelling and visual summarization.
  • An illustration of a classical RNN architecture for image captioning is provided below.


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