

DataNucleus项目为Java运行环境中的应用数据提供了管理,它提供了标准的接口(JDO, JPA)来访问各种类型的数据库资源,如RDBMS, ODBMS, Map-based, Web-based, 
documents, graph-based等等,并且你可以利用同样的API来操作所有你的数据,示图如下:



January 1st 2013- DataNucleus Access Platform 3.2 ("Copernicus") Milestone 2 is released. DataNucleus Access Platform provides persistence and retrieval of Java objects to/from a wide range of datastores including relational, web-based, map-based, and documents. Version 3.2 Milestone 2 includes the following changes

  • JDO : ability to mark all classes as detachable, overriding metadata
  • JDO : add convenience accessor for "detachedState" of an object
  • JDO : provide access to the native query performed by JDOQL
  • JPA : add convenience accessor for "detachedState" of an object
  • JPA : provide access to the native query performed by JPQL
  • JPA : support surrogate version on a class
  • JPA : fix to exception throwing when using JTA in a JavaEE environment
  • JPA : support for JPA2.1 "Generate Schema" feature
  • JPA : improved logix for finding a persistence-unit with a name, and flag duplicate units with the same name
  • JPA : default to not add classTransformer in JavaEE environment (so user has to enable it)
  • Update to JMX beans definitions for compliance
  • Bundle (repackaged) ASM into datanucleus-core for cleaner usage
  • Fix missing "PreMainClass" for enhancer so runtime enhancement works
  • Moved "mapped datastores" code into RDBMS plugin (from datanucleus-core) since only used there
  • Add pooling for ExecutionContext and ObjectProvider objects for performance.
  • Fix to persist of N-1 relation with detached owner so we don't get multiple element objects
  • Fix to ClassLoaderImpl/MetaDataUtils to preserve ordering whilst removing dups
  • Provide access to native query being invoked by a JDOQL/JPQL query
  • RDBMS : fix to use of named parameters in range clause of query
  • RDBMS : add statement batching to shifting process for elements in a List
  • RDBMS : fix to schema generation when we have "subclass-table" part way down an inheritance tree
  • MongoDB : improvement for polymorphic queries to make use of discriminator column and handle all in single query
  • MongoDB : improvement to deletion process to not reload same fields multiple times
  • HBase : support for Bloom filters, in-memory and various other options (Nicolas Seyvet)
  • Excel : make "poi-ooxml" dependency optional since not needed with XLS
  • Various minor bug fixes and improvements

This release is downloadable under an Apache 2 license from the DataNucleus community site.


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