面向对象(Methods, Interfaces)




func (r ReceiverType) funcName(parameters) (results)


type rectangle struct {
width float64
heigth float64
} func (receiver rectangle) area() float64 {
return receiver.width * receiver.heigth
} func main(){
rect := rectangle{heigth: 12, width: 12}
area := rect.area()


  • 接收者不一样,那么method就不一样
  • method里面可以访问接收者的字段
  • 调用method通过.访问,就像struct里面访问字段一样
  • 定义在任何你自定义的类型、内置类型、struct等各种类型上面
  • 如果想要改变接受者的内容,可以使用指针



/* 定义接口 */
type interface_name interface {
method_name1 [return_type]
method_name2 [return_type]
method_name3 [return_type]
method_namen [return_type]
} /* 定义结构体 */
type struct_name struct {
/* variables */
} /* 实现接口方法 */
func (struct_name_variable struct_name) method_name1() [return_type] {
/* 方法实现 */
func (struct_name_variable struct_name) method_namen() [return_type] {
/* 方法实现*/


type Isay interface {
say(word string) string
} type dog struct {
name string
} type cat struct {
sex string
} func (d dog) say(word string) string {
return d.name + word
} func (c cat) say(word string) string {
return "cat=" + word
} //使用
var idg, icat Isay
idg = dog{"dog"}
icat = cat{"0"}




Go语言里面有一个语法,可以直接判断是否是该类型的变量: value, ok = element.(T),这里value就是变量的值,ok是一个bool类型,element是interface变量,T是断言的类型。


package main

import (
) type Element interface{}
type List [] Element type Person struct {
name string
age int
} //定义了String方法,实现了fmt.Stringer
func (p Person) String() string {
return "(name: " + p.name + " - age: "+strconv.Itoa(p.age)+ " years)"
} func main() {
list := make(List, 3)
list[0] = 1 // an int
list[1] = "Hello" // a string
list[2] = Person{"Dennis", 70} for index, element := range list {
if value, ok := element.(int); ok {
fmt.Printf("list[%d] is an int and its value is %d\n", index, value)
} else if value, ok := element.(string); ok {
fmt.Printf("list[%d] is a string and its value is %s\n", index, value)
} else if value, ok := element.(Person); ok {
fmt.Printf("list[%d] is a Person and its value is %s\n", index, value)
} else {
fmt.Printf("list[%d] is of a different type\n", index)


package main

import (
) type Element interface{}
type List [] Element type Person struct {
name string
age int
} //打印
func (p Person) String() string {
return "(name: " + p.name + " - age: "+strconv.Itoa(p.age)+ " years)"
} func main() {
list := make(List, 3)
list[0] = 1 //an int
list[1] = "Hello" //a string
list[2] = Person{"Dennis", 70} for index, element := range list{
switch value := element.(type) {
case int:
fmt.Printf("list[%d] is an int and its value is %d\n", index, value)
case string:
fmt.Printf("list[%d] is a string and its value is %s\n", index, value)
case Person:
fmt.Printf("list[%d] is a Person and its value is %s\n", index, value)
fmt.Println("list[%d] is of a different type", index)



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