typedef struct st_key {
uint key_length; /* Tot length of key */
ulong flags; /* dupp key and pack flags */
uint key_parts; /* How many key_parts */
uint extra_length;
uint usable_key_parts; /* Should normally be = key_parts */
uint block_size;
enum ha_key_alg algorithm;
Note that parser is used when the table is opened for use, and
parser_name is used when the table is being created.
plugin_ref parser; /* Fulltext [pre]parser */
LEX_STRING *parser_name; /* Fulltext [pre]parser name */
KEY_PART_INFO *key_part;
char *name; /* Name of key */
Array of AVG(#records with the same field value) for 1st ... Nth key part.
0 means 'not known'.
For temporary heap tables this member is NULL.
ulong *rec_per_key;
union {
int bdb_return_if_eq;
} handler;
TABLE *table;
LEX_STRING comment;
} KEY;


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