//String 字符串的常见操作
        public static void Fun1()
            string MyStr = " Hello World! ";


            Console.WriteLine(MyStr.Substring(, ));

            char[] charr = MyStr.ToCharArray();

            string UpperStr = MyStr.ToUpper();
            Console.WriteLine("转换为大写:" + UpperStr + "\n");

            Console.WriteLine("转换为小写:" + MyStr.ToLower());

            //TrimStart() and TrimEnd() 去掉字符左右边的空格 TrimStart--去掉左边
            string LefStr = MyStr.TrimStart();
            string RigStr = MyStr.TrimEnd();

            Console.WriteLine("左边 " + LefStr + "\n" + "右边 " + RigStr + "\n");

            string ReplaceStr = MyStr.Replace('W', 'M');
            Console.WriteLine("替换字符 " + ReplaceStr + "\n");

            string concatStr = string.Concat(MyStr, "asas", "asasa");
            Console.WriteLine("连接字符 " + concatStr + "\n");

            bool NullorEmpty = string.IsNullOrEmpty(MyStr);
            Console.WriteLine("判断空值 " + NullorEmpty.ToString() + "\n");

            Console.WriteLine(MyStr.StartsWith(" ") == true);

            bool endwith = MyStr.EndsWith(" ");
            Console.WriteLine("结尾 " + endwith.ToString() + "\n");

            //IndexOf() and LastIndexOf()字符串的位置
            string strLocation = "123abc4c56efd";
            Console.WriteLine(') + "\n");
            Console.WriteLine("LastIndexOf:" + strLocation.LastIndexOf('c') + "\n");

            Console.WriteLine(MyStr.Insert(, "W"));


            Console.WriteLine(, ) + "\n");


            //Compare()和CompareTo() 比较方法
            string strA = "File.exe";

            int numA = string.Compare(strA, strB);
            Console.WriteLine("Compare: " + numA.ToString() + "\n");

            int numB = strA.CompareTo(strB);
            Console.WriteLine("CompareTo: " + numB.ToString());

            //比较两个指定的 System.String 对象。
            // 返回结果:
            // 一个 32 位有符号整数,指示两个比较数之间的词法关系。
            //值条件小于零 strA 小于 strB。 零strA 等于 strB。 大于零 strA大于 strB。 




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