
  1.1 基本信息

  遇见这样一个bug,路由器有USB share的功能,可将U盘内的文件通过samba和LAN端PC机中文件进行共享,测试发现小文件可正常共享,一旦文件大了(比如1G左右),window端便显示一直在计算文件大小,最后客户端(LAN pc)会因为服务器许久不回一个Subcommand:SET_FILE_INFO(0x0008)的报文而出现timeout,导致文件传输失败.

过了一段时间后客户端发出timeout [RST] 报文(windows会弹出异常对话框取消文件传输)



  2.1 刚开始我觉得FAT32与NTFS的分区方式不同,可是了解到FAT32分区方式单个文件最大是4G,所以排除U盘本身问题,问题还是出在Samba服务器或者linux系统中(之所以怀疑linux系统是因为我在任何PC机上拷文件到此U盘都没问题)

  2.2 然后先debug samba源码,重点注意有关文件size和fat格式处理的相关代码,然后再源码中(\samba-3.0.24\source\smbd\vfs-wrap.c)看见了这个:

int vfswrap_ftruncate(vfs_handle_struct *handle, files_struct *fsp, int fd, SMB_OFF_T len)
int result = -;
char c = ;
SMB_OFF_T currpos; START_PROFILE(syscall_ftruncate); if (lp_strict_allocate(SNUM(fsp->conn))) {
result = strict_allocate_ftruncate(handle, fsp, fd, len);
return result;
} /* we used to just check HAVE_FTRUNCATE_EXTEND and only use
sys_ftruncate if the system supports it. Then I discovered that
you can have some filesystems that support ftruncate
expansion and some that don't! On Linux fat can't do
ftruncate extend but ext2 can. */ result = sys_ftruncate(fd, len);
if (result == 0)
goto done; /* According to W. R. Stevens advanced UNIX prog. Pure 4.3 BSD cannot
extend a file with ftruncate. Provide alternate implementation
for this */
currpos = SMB_VFS_LSEEK(fsp, fd, , SEEK_CUR);
if (currpos == -) {
goto done;
} /* Do an fstat to see if the file is longer than the requested
size in which case the ftruncate above should have
succeeded or shorter, in which case seek to len - 1 and
write 1 byte of zero */
if (SMB_VFS_FSTAT(fsp, fd, &st) == -) {
goto done;
} #ifdef S_ISFIFO
if (S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode)) {
result = ;
goto done;
#endif if (st.st_size == len) {
result = ;
goto done;
} if (st.st_size > len) {
/* the sys_ftruncate should have worked */
goto done;
} if (SMB_VFS_LSEEK(fsp, fd, len-1, SEEK_SET) != len -1)
goto done; if (SMB_VFS_WRITE(fsp, fd, &c, 1)!=1)
goto done; /* Seek to where we were */
if (SMB_VFS_LSEEK(fsp, fd, currpos, SEEK_SET) != currpos)
goto done;
result = ; done: END_PROFILE(syscall_ftruncate);
return result;


  也可以不屏蔽sys_ftruncate,可以将kernel的ftruncate函数实现修改一下:\linux-3.14\fs\fat\file.c 中函数fat_setattr

if (attr->ia_valid & ATTR_SIZE) {
if (attr->ia_size > inode->i_size) {//if current size grenter than old size,extend it
// if we allow this, fat ftruncate extend large size will cause samba wait a long long time.
#if 1
error = -EPERM;
goto out;
error = fat_cont_expand(inode, attr->ia_size);
if (error || attr->ia_valid == ATTR_SIZE)
goto out;
attr->ia_valid &= ~ATTR_SIZE;





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