摘要:Abstract—Complex social network analysis methods have been applied extensively in various domains including online social media, biological complex networks, etc. Complex social networks are facing the challenge of information overload. The demands for efficient complex network analysis methods have been rising in recent years, particularly the extensive use of online social applications, such as Flickr, Facebook and LinkedIn. This paper aims to simplify the network complexity through partitioning a large complex network into a set of less complex networks. Existing social network analysis methods are mainly based on complex network theory and data mining techniques. These methods are facing the challenges while dealing with extreme large social network data sets. Particularly, the difficulties of maintaining the statistical characteristics of partitioned sub-networks have been increasing dramatically. The proposed Normal Distribution (ND) based method can balance the distribution of the partitioned sub-networks according to the original complex network. Therefore, each subnetwork can have its degree distribution similar to that of the original network. This can be very beneficial for analyzing sub-divided networks and potentially reducing the complexity in dynamic online social environment.



介绍了其他几种已经有的划分网络的方法,然后提出了自己的方法,好像是在前人基础上的一个整合。分为两个部分,partition , merge。




  1.大概了解了幂律分布的概念,power-law distribution ,链接 : http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_49f6467e0100qh9l.html



  在网络理论中,无尺度网络(或称无标度网络)是带有一类特性的复杂网络,其典型特征是在网络中的大部分节点只和很少节点连接,而有极少的节点与非常多的节点连接。这种关键的节点(称为“枢纽”或“集散节点”)的存在使得无尺度网络对意外故障有强大的承受能力,但面对协同性攻击时则显得脆弱。现实中的许多网络都带有无尺度的特性,例如因特网、金融系统网络、社会人际网络等等。----维基百科  ,链接 :  https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E6%97%A0%E5%B0%BA%E5%BA%A6%E7%BD%91%E7%BB%9C

  4.度分布:degree distribution 度分布是指节点的度的分布情况。在网络中,每个节点都与另外某些节点相连,这种连接的数目叫做这个节点的度。在网络中随机抽取一个节点,它的度是多少呢?这个概率分布就称为节点的度分布[2]:11


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