I have to create a custom fabricjs object(say, fabric.Demo) which extends fabric.Group object. fabric.Demo object will be used to grouped other two fabric.Group objects. I have searched on the Internet and found only these links as useful.

  1. Link 1
  2. Link 2

But I'm getting this error 'this._objects is undefined'. I know I haven't write _render(). But I don't understand that what to code in _render(). If anyone knows the answer, it will be appreciated.

Here is my code.

(function (global) {

    var fabric = global.fabric || (global.fabric = {}),
extend = fabric.util.object.extend,
clone = fabric.util.object.clone; var stateProperties = fabric.Text.prototype.stateProperties.concat();
); fabric.Demo = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.Group, {
type: 'demo',
initialize: function () { this.grp = new fabric.Group([], {
selectable: false,
padding: 0
}); this.grp.add([
new fabric.Group([
new fabric.Text('A', {top: 200, left: 200}),
new fabric.Text('B', {top: 200, left: 200})
new fabric.Group([
new fabric.Text('C', {top: 200, left: 200}),
new fabric.Text('D', {top: 200, left: 200})
_render: function (ctx) { }
})(typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? exports : this);



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If you want to extend Group you have to respect its basic function, render a handfull of objects stored in the _objects array.

So when you initialize your class do not create a this.grp.

instead push your 2 groups inside a _objects array.

fabric.Demo = fabric.util.createClass(fabric.Group, {
type: 'demo',
initialize: function () { this.grp = new fabric.Group([], {
selectable: false,
padding: 0
}); this._objects.push(
new fabric.Group([
new fabric.Text('A', {top: 200, left: 200}),
new fabric.Text('B', {top: 200, left: 200})
new fabric.Group([
new fabric.Text('C', {top: 200, left: 200}),
new fabric.Text('D', {top: 200, left: 200})
})(typeof exports !== 'undefined' ? exports : this);

extend render functions thinking what you need different from standard group, and do not forget to put the fromObject function if you want to load and restore your canvas.


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