来 自 :https://www.odoo.com/forum/help-1/question/can-report-aeroo-ooo-work-with-ubuntu-13-10-34314

I met problem too, it take me for hours to solve. Problem is in 13.10 don't support python-uno for python2.x like Ubuntu 13.04 raring before.

Here is solution: Very simple thought install a version support python-uno then I find the build of LibreOffice PPA for Ubuntu.

You shouldn't waste time on download build DEB from libreoffice official it not compatible in this situation. first you remove libreoffice in your machine

sudo apt-get purge libreoffice*

then remove related

sudo apt-get purge openoffice.org-dtd-officedocument1.0 python-uno python3-uno uno-libs3 ure


sudo apt-get autoremove

then go there https://launchpad.net/~libreoffice/+archive/ppa/+packages then you download this build

libreoffice - 1:4.1.4~rc2-0ubuntu1~raring1~ppa1

The file you will download is


You should install libreoffice-common_4.1.4 first then libreoffice-core then libreoffice-base-core then writer and calc and python-uno --> this is what we need.


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