
addiction – a biopsychosocial [生物社会心理学的 bio-psycho-social] disorder characterized by persistent [持续的] use of drugs (including alcohol) despite substantial [相当大的] harm and adverse consequences [有害后果]
addictive drug – psychoactive [影响精神的 psycho-active] substances that with repeated use are associated with significantly higher rates of substance use disorders, (and are) due [expected] in large part to the drug's effect on brain reward systems


1. "to guide, aim, or direct," e.g. to address a golf ball
2. "direct for transmission, write as a destination on a message"
The letter was addressed to Penny.
3. to direct spoken words (to someone)
Leonard turned to address the one on his right.
4. "to set in order, repair, correct."
Our sweeping robot, Spreadshit(展屎官) addresses the needs of 铲屎官们.



词源: equal to what is needed or desired

近/反义词: just good enough, mediocre, satisfactory, sufficient; deficient, inadequate, insufficient

My old laptop is still more than adequate for most tasks.

How: really, very, perfectly, quite, totally, more than; almost; barely, hardly, less than, not entirely/wholly; still, no longer


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