
一: 单独下载文件




2、 cmd到存放whl文件的目录


pip install ****.whl



1、pip freeze > requirements.txt


①在C:\Users\<你的电脑用户名>\  新建一个文件夹 pip

②在新建的pip目录新建一个 pip.ini 文件,内容如下


index-url = https://mirrors.aliyun.com/pypi/simple/
extra-index-url = https://pypi.douban.com/simple/
timeout = 120



pip wheel -w DIR -r requirements.txt

pip download -d DIR -r requirements.txt

pip download --dest ./lib_data --no-deps --platform=manylinux2014_x86_64 --only-binary=:all: tensorflow


pip install --no-index --find-links=DIR -r requirements.txt

如果给 pip download 命令添加选项 --platform、 --python-version、 --implementation 和 --abi 可以用于获取解释器和系统的依赖关系,而不是运行 pip 的解释器和系统的依赖关系,当添加了这些选项时,也必须同时添加 --only-binary=:all: 或 --no-deps

pip download 和 pip wheel 的区别

I'm also curious about this question and the official doc is really ambiguous.

First, with my experiment, the two commands you provided will produce the same output, and the process is quite similar.

But after I read the official doc carefully, I find some options of these two commands is different.

  • for pip download, this command is focus on download packages from somewhere, even it will also try to built it, but it will fallback to download the source packge if it can't built it. There are some options for you to filter the packages you want to download, even the packages is not compatible with your current environment. like --platform--python-version--implementation, so you can download packges for whatever interpreter you want.

  • for pip wheel, this command is focus on build a wheel for package and it's dependencies. It provide an optio --build-option, let you custom the built process. So, with this command you can only download the packages that compatible with your current interpreter and platform.

In my opinion, pip wheel is more like pip install than pip download, cause it can only "download" the packages with current interpreter.

Now for your questions:

  1. Are then the two commands equivalent? (In this case this would look like replication of instructions, not really a good design principle uncle Guido!)

Ans: For packges compatible with current interpreter, yes, they are almost equivalent, except you want some built options.

  1. How can I achieve my goal of obtaining the whls required out of my python environment and ignoring any internet 'index's?

Ans: Both command can download from local index or a local directory, but if you want packages for other platform, pip download is needed. In your situation, you may create your own index or a directory holds all packages you needed and install from there every time.

Expect more precise answers.


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