




  1. 根据所使用的硬件,进行board.json的配置。 因为我们的温度传感器使用的是sht3x, 使用I2C,在board.json的配置如下:
"name": "haasedu",
"version": "1.0.0",
"io": {
"sht3x": {
"type": "I2C",
"port": 0,
"addrWidth": 7,
"freq": 400000,
"mode": "master",
"devAddr": 68
"debugLevel": "ERROR",
"repl": "disable"
  1. 实现代码
from driver import I2C
import sht3x
def report_iot_data(temperature, humidity ):
upload_data = {'params': ujson.dumps({
'CurrentHumidity': humidity, 'CurrentTemperature':temperature
print('UPDATE IOT SUCCESS!!!') def get_light_temp_humi(): temperature = humitureDev.getTemperature()
humidity = humitureDev.getHumidity()
report_iot_data(temperature, humidity)
return temperature, humidity
i2cObj = I2C()
humitureDev = sht3x.SHT3X(i2cObj) while True:
data = get_light_temp_humi()




Copyright (C) 2015-2021 Alibaba Group Holding Limited
MicroPython's driver for CHT8305
Author: HaaS
Date: 2021/09/14
from micropython import const
import utime
from driver import I2C
# sht3x commands definations
# read serial number: CMD_READ_SERIALNBR 0x3780
# read status register: CMD_READ_STATUS 0xF32D
# clear status register: CMD_CLEAR_STATUS 0x3041
# enabled heater: CMD_HEATER_ENABLE 0x306D
# disable heater: CMD_HEATER_DISABLE 0x3066
# soft reset: CMD_SOFT_RESET 0x30A2
# accelerated response time: CMD_ART 0x2B32
# break, stop periodic data acquisition mode: CMD_BREAK 0x3093
# measurement: polling, high repeatability: CMD_MEAS_POLLING_H 0x2400
# measurement: polling, medium repeatability: CMD_MEAS_POLLING_M 0x240B
# measurement: polling, low repeatability: CMD_MEAS_POLLING_L 0x2416
class SHT3X(object):
# i2cDev should be an I2C object and it should be opened before __init__ is called
def __init__(self, i2cDev):
self._i2cDev = None
if not isinstance(i2cDev, I2C):
raise ValueError("parameter is not an I2C object")
# make AHB21B's internal object points to _i2cDev
self._i2cDev = i2cDev
def start(self):
# make sure AHB21B's internal object is valid before I2C operation
if self._i2cDev is None:
raise ValueError("invalid I2C object")
# send clear status register command - 0x3041 - CMD_CLEAR_STATUS
cmd = bytearray(2)
cmd[0] = 0x30
cmd[1] = 0x41
# wait for 20ms
return 0
def getTempHumidity(self):
if self._i2cDev is None:
raise ValueError("invalid I2C object")
tempHumidity = [-1, 2] # start measurement: polling, medium repeatability - 0x240B - CMD_MEAS_POLLING_M
# if you want to adjust measure repeatability, you can send the following commands:
# high repeatability: 0x2400 - CMD_MEAS_POLLING_H
# low repeatability: 0x2416 - CMD_MEAS_POLLING_L
cmd = bytearray(2)
cmd[0] = 0x24
cmd[1] = 0x0b
# must wait for a little before the measurement finished
dataBuffer = bytearray(6)
# read the measurement result
# print(dataBuffer)
# calculate real temperature and humidity according to SHT3X-DIS' data sheet
temp = (dataBuffer[0]<<8) | dataBuffer[1]
humi = (dataBuffer[3]<<8) | dataBuffer[4]
tempHumidity[1] = humi * 0.0015259022
tempHumidity[0] = -45.0 + (temp) * 175.0 / (0xFFFF - 1)
return tempHumidity
def getTemperature(self):
data = self.getTempHumidity()
return data[0]
def getHumidity(self):
data = self.getTempHumidity()
return data[1]
def stop(self):
if self._i2cDev is None:
raise ValueError("invalid I2C object")
# stop periodic data acquisition mode
cmd = bytearray(3)
cmd[0] = 0x30
cmd[1] = 0x93
# wait for a little while
self._i2cDev = None
return 0
def __del__(self):
print('sht3x __del__')
if __name__ == "__main__":
The below i2c configuration is needed in your board.json.
"sht3x": {
"type": "I2C",
"port": 1,
"addrWidth": 7,
"freq": 400000,
"mode": "master",
"devAddr": 68
print("Testing sht3x ...")
i2cDev = I2C()
sht3xDev = SHT3X(i2cDev)
# future usage:
i2cDev = I2C("sht3x")
sht3xDev = sht3x.SHT3X(i2cDev)
temperature = sht3xDev.getTemperature()
print("The temperature is: %f" % temperature)
humidity = sht3xDev.getHumidity()
print("The humidity is: %f" % humidity)
print("Test sht3x done!")

将程序代码烧录到开发板后,设备会联网,并且每3秒上报一次数据。发布的数据, 我们可以在阿里云物联网平台上的设备的物模型数据中看到。



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