3.1 使用图形

  • plot:基础绘图
  • abline:添加回归直线
  • hist:绘制直方图
  • boxplot:绘制箱线图
  • dev.new():returns the return value of the device opened, usually invisible NULL.
  • dev.cur(): returns a length-one named integer vector giving the number and name of the active device, or 1, the null device, if none is active.
  • dev.list(): returns the numbers of all open devices, except device 1, the null device. This is a numeric vector with a names attribute giving the device names, or NULL is there is no open device.
  • dev.next(which = dev.cur()):return the number and name of the next device in the list of devices. This will be the null device if and only if there are no open devices.
  • dev.prev(which = dev.cur()): return the number and name of the previous device in the list of devices. This will be the null device if and only if there are no open devices.
  • dev.off(which = dev.cur()): returns the number and name of the new active device (after the specified device has been shut down).
  • dev.set(which = dev.next()): returns the number and name of the new active device.
  • graphics.off()

Only one device is the ‘active’ device: this is the device in which all graphics operations occur. There is a "null device" which is always open but is really a placeholder: any attempt to use it will open a new device specified by getOption("device").

Devices are associated with a name (e.g., "X11" or "postscript") and a number in the range 1 to 63; the "null device" is always device 1. Once a device has been opened the null device is not considered as a possible active device. There is a list of open devices, and this is considered as a circular list not including the null device. dev.next and dev.prev select the next open device in the appropriate direction, unless no device is open.

3.2 一个简单的例子

dose <- c(20, 30, 40, 45, 60)
drugA <- c(16, 20, 27, 40, 60)
drugB <- c(15, 18, 25, 31, 40)
plot(dose, drugA, type="b")

3.3 图形参数

  • plot(x, y, ...): Generic function for plotting of R objects. For more details about the graphical parameter arguments, see par.

For simple scatter plots, plot.default will be used. However, there are plot methods for many R objects, including functions, data.frames, density objects, etc. Use methods(plot) and the documentation for these.

type: what type of plot should be drawn. Possible types are.

  1. "p" for points,
  2. "l" for lines,
  3. "b" for both,
  4. "c" for the lines part alone of "b",
  5. "o" for both ‘overplotted’,
  6. "h" for ‘histogram’ like (or ‘high-density’) vertical lines,
  7. "s" for stair steps,
  8. "S" for other steps, see ‘Details’ below,
  9. "n" for no plotting.

The two step types differ in their x-y preference: Going from (x1,y1) to (x2,y2) with x1 < x2, type = "s" moves first horizontal, then vertical, whereas type = "S" moves the other way around.


main: an overall title for the plot: see title.

sub: a sub title for the plot: see title.

xlab: a title for the x axis: see title.

ylab: a title for the y axis: see title.

asp: the y/x aspect ratio, see plot.window.(x和y的长宽比)

  • par(..., no.readonly = FALSE)

par can be used to set or query(查询) graphical parameters. Parameters can be set by specifying them as arguments to par in tag = value form, or by passing them as a list of tagged values.(通过tag=value传递或者通过标记列表传递)

no.readonly: logical; if TRUE and there are no other arguments, only parameters are returned which can be set by a subsequent par() call on the same device.


The value of adj determines the way in which text strings are justified in text, mtext and title. A value of 0 produces left-justified text, 0.5 (the default) centered text and 1 right-justified text. (Any value in [0, 1] is allowed.)

Note that the adj argument of text also allows adj = c(x, y) for different adjustment in x- and y- directions.


ann If set to FALSE, high-level plotting functions calling plot.default do not annotate the plots they produce with axis titles and overall titles. The default is to do annotation.

logical. If TRUE (and the R session is interactive) the user is asked for input, before a new figure is drawn.



The color to be used for the background of the device region. When called from par() it also sets new = FALSE.



A character string which determined the type of box which is drawn about plots. If bty is one of "o" (the default), "l", "7", "c", "u", or "]" the resulting box resembles the corresponding upper case letter. A value of "n" suppresses the box.



A numerical value giving the amount by which plotting text and symbols should be magnified relative to the default. This starts as 1 when a device is opened, and is reset when the layout is changed.


cex.axis The magnification to be used for axis annotation relative to the current setting of cex.
cex.lab The magnification to be used for x and y labels relative to the current setting of cex.
cex.main The magnification to be used for main titles relative to the current setting of cex.
cex.sub The magnification to be used for sub-titles relative to the current setting of cex.

R.O.; character size (width, height) in inches.


> par()$cin
[1] 0.15 0.20
col A specification for the default plotting color.
col.axis The color to be used for axis annotation. Defaults to "black".
col.lab The color to be used for x and y labels. Defaults to "black".
col.main The color to be used for plot main titles. Defaults to "black".
col.sub The color to be used for plot sub-titles. Defaults to "black".

R.O.; size of default character (width, height) in ‘rasters’ (pixels).

> par()$cra
[1] 14.4 19.2


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