usage: [-h] [--host HOST] [--port PORT] [--config-installer] [--load-installer-config] [--installer-config INSTALLER_CONFIG] [--model {lama,ldm,zits,mat,fcf,sd1.5,cv2,manga,sd2,paint_by_example,instruct_pix2pix}] [--no-half]
[--cpu-offload] [--disable-nsfw] [--sd-cpu-textencoder] [--local-files-only] [--enable-xformers] [--device {cuda,cpu,mps}] [--gui] [--no-gui-auto-close] [--gui-size GUI_SIZE GUI_SIZE] [--input INPUT]
[--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR] [--model-dir MODEL_DIR] [--disable-model-switch] optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--host HOST
--port PORT
--config-installer Open config web page, mainly for windows installer (default: False)
Load all cmd args from installer config file (default: False)
--installer-config INSTALLER_CONFIG
Config file for windows installer (default: None)
--model {lama,ldm,zits,mat,fcf,sd1.5,cv2,manga,sd2,paint_by_example,instruct_pix2pix}
--no-half Using full precision model. If your generate result is always black or green, use this argument. (sd/paint_by_exmaple) (default: False)
--cpu-offload Offloads all models to CPU, significantly reducing vRAM usage. (sd/paint_by_example) (default: False)
--disable-nsfw Disable NSFW checker. (sd/paint_by_example) (default: False)
--sd-cpu-textencoder Run Stable Diffusion text encoder model on CPU to save GPU memory. (default: False)
--local-files-only Use local files only, not connect to Hugging Face server. (sd/paint_by_example) (default: False)
--enable-xformers Enable xFormers optimizations. Requires xformers package has been installed. See: (sd/paint_by_example) (default: False)
--device {cuda,cpu,mps}
--gui Launch Lama Cleaner as desktop app (default: False)
--no-gui-auto-close Prevent backend auto close after the GUI window closed. (default: False)
--gui-size GUI_SIZE GUI_SIZE
Set window size for GUI (default: [1600, 1000])
--input INPUT If input is image, it will be loaded by default. If input is directory, you can browse and select image in file manager. (default: None)
--output-dir OUTPUT_DIR
Result images will be saved to output directory automatically without confirmation. (default: None)
--model-dir MODEL_DIR
Model download directory (by setting XDG_CACHE_HOME environment variable), by default model downloaded to ~/.cache (default: /Users/cwq/.cache)
Disable model switch in frontend (default: False)

  安装 Lama Cleaner 最简单的方法是通过(支持 python 3.7 ~ 3.10)安装它

# In order to use the GPU, install cuda version of pytorch first.
# pip install torch==1.13.1+cu117 --extra-index-url
pip install lama-cleaner



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