
在《Effective Java》第三版第十条"Obey the general contract when overriding equals"中提到google的AutoValue框架能够自动生成equals()方法,实际上这个框架的作用不仅仅限于生成equals()方法那么简单,它还能够使值类通过静态工厂方法构建实例,并实现Builder构建者模式,省去了程序员对值类的重复性工作



idea 2020.1 + AutoValue 1.7.1






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abstract class Person {

  abstract String getName();

  abstract int getAge();

  static Person create(String name, int age) {

    return new AutoValue_Person(name, age);



public void test() {

  Person person = Person.create("kuluo", 18);

  assertEquals("kuluo", person.name());



final class AutoValue_Person extends Person {

  private final String name;

  private final int age;

  AutoValue_Person(String name, int age) {

    if (name == null) {

      throw new NullPointerException("Null name");

    this.name = name;

    this.age = age;


  String getName() {

    return name;


  int getAge() {

    return age;


  public String toString() {

    return "Person{"

           + "name=" + name + ", "

           + "age=" + age

           + "}";


  public boolean equals(Object o) {

    if (o == this) {

      return true;

    if (o instanceof Person) {

      Person that = (Person) o;

      return this.name.equals(that.name()) && this.age == that.age();

    return false;


  public int hashCode() {

    int h$ = 1;

    h$ *= 1000003;

    h$ ^= name.hashCode();

    h$ *= 1000003;

    h$ ^= age;

    return h$;


  • 值类被声明为final类型,无法再被继承
  • 值类不具备setter方法,实例被创建后就无法被更改
  • 若在构造实例时允许传入可变类型的值,如List<String>和String[],则需要在Guava中选择对应的不可变类型,并更改create()静态工厂方法

check if the mutable type has a corresponding immutable cousin. For example, the types List<String> and String[] have the immutable counterpart ImmutableList<String> in Guava. If so, use the immutable type for your property, and only accept the mutable type during construction

abstract class Person {

  abstract ImmutableList<String> getName();

  abstract int getAge();

  static Person create(List<String> name, int age) {

    return new AutoValue_Person(ImmutableList.copyOf(name), age);

  • 值类在构建实例时会检查每一个字段是否为null,若某字段为null,则抛出空指针异常
  • 若允许某个字段为null,则必须在抽象类create()静态工厂方法的声明中,为该字段和它对应的getter方法同时添加@Nullable注解

if @Nullable is only added to the parameter in create (or similarly the setter method of AutoValue.Builder), but not the corresponding accessor method, it won't have any effect.

abstract class Person {

  @Nullable abstract String getName();

  abstract int getAge();

  static Person create(@Nullable String name, int age) {

    return new AutoValue_Person(name, age);


AutoValue_Person(@Nullable String name, int age) {

  this.name = name;

  this.age = age;


String getName() {

  return name;


public boolean equals(Object o) {

  if (o == this) {

    return true;

  if (o instanceof Person) {

    Person that = (Person) o;

    return (this.name == null ? that.getName() == null : this.name.equals(that.getName()))

            && this.age == that.getAge();

  return false;


public int hashCode() {

  int h$ = 1;

  h$ *= 1000003;

  h$ ^= (name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode();

  h$ *= 1000003;

  h$ ^= age;

  return h$;



abstract class PersonWithBuilder {

  abstract String getName();

  abstract int getAge();

  static Builder builder() {

    return new AutoValue_PersonWithBuilder.Builder();


  abstract static class Builder {

    abstract Builder name(String name);

    abstract Builder age(int age);

    abstract PersonWithBuilder build();


public void testWithBuilder() {

  PersonWithBuilder personWithBuilder = PersonWithBuilder


  assertEquals("kuluo", personWithBuilder.getName());

  assertEquals(18, personWithBuilder.getAge());


final class AutoValue_PersonWithBuilder extends PersonWithBuilder {

  private final String name;

  private final int age;

  private AutoValue_PersonWithBuilder(String name, int age) {

    this.name = name;

    this.age = age;


  String getName() { return name; }


  int getAge() { return age; }


  public String toString() {

    return "PersonWithBuilder{"

           + "name=" + name + ", "

           + "age=" + age

           + "}";


  public boolean equals(Object o) {

    if (o == this) { return true; }

    if (o instanceof PersonWithBuilder) {

      PersonWithBuilder that = (PersonWithBuilder) o;

      return this.name.equals(that.getName()) && this.age == that.getAge();

    return false;


  public int hashCode() {

    int h$ = 1;

    h$ *= 1000003;

    h$ ^= name.hashCode();

    h$ *= 1000003;

    h$ ^= age;

    return h$;

  static final class Builder extends PersonWithBuilder.Builder {

    private String name;

    private Integer age;

    Builder() {


    PersonWithBuilder.Builder name(String name) {

      if (name == null) {

        throw new NullPointerException("Null name");

      this.name = name;

      return this;


    PersonWithBuilder.Builder age(int age) {

      this.age = age;

      return this;


    PersonWithBuilder build() {

      String missing = "";

      if (this.name == null) {

        missing += " name";

      if (this.age == null) {

        missing += " age";
      if (!missing.isEmpty()) {
        throw new IllegalStateException("Missing required properties:" + missing);
      return new AutoValue_PersonWithBuilder(this.name, this.age);


  • 值类在构建实例时会在build()方法内检查每一个字段是否为null,若某字段为null,则抛出空指针异常
  • 若允许某个字段为null,则必须同时在抽象静态内部类的"setter"方法的形参和外侧的"getter"方法同时添加@Nullable注解

abstract class PersonWithBuilder {

  @Nullable abstract String getName();

  abstract int getAge();

  static Builder builder() {

    return new AutoValue_PersonWithBuilder.Builder();


  abstract static class Builder {

    abstract Builder name(@Nullable String name);

    abstract Builder age(int age);

    abstract PersonWithBuilder build();


PersonWithBuilder build() {

  String missing = "";

  if (this.age == null) {

    missing += " age";

  if (!missing.isEmpty()) {

    throw new IllegalStateException("Missing required properties:" + missing);

  return new AutoValue_PersonWithBuilder(this.name, this.age);

  • 若需要为某字段设置默认值,仅需在builder()方法中调用Builder的"setter"方法

abstract class PersonWithBuilder {

  abstract String getName();

  abstract int getAge();

  static Builder builder() {

    return new AutoValue_PersonWithBuilder.Builder().name("kuluo");


  abstract static class Builder {

    abstract Builder name(String name);

    abstract Builder age(int age);

    abstract PersonWithBuilder build();

  • 使用Builder模式后会屏蔽静态工厂方法,若一定要使用静态工厂方法,则需要在静态工厂方法内调用Builder静态内部类来创建实例,而不是私有的构造方法


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