class Program
        static ManualResetEventSlim manualRestEvnetSlim = new ManualResetEventSlim(false);
        static void TravelThroughGates(string threadName,int second)
            Console.WriteLine("{0} falls to sleep", threadName);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} waits for the gate open", threadName);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} enter the gates", threadName);
        }         static void Main()
            var t1 = new Thread(() => TravelThroughGates("T1", ));
            var t2 = new Thread(() => TravelThroughGates("T2", ));
            var t3 = new Thread(() => TravelThroughGates("T3", ));
            Console.WriteLine("the Gates is open");
            Console.WriteLine("the gate has been closed");
            Console.WriteLine("the gates opend second times");
            Console.WriteLine("the gates closed angin");
            manualRestEvnetSlim.Reset();         }


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