
On Android 2.3.3 (API level 10) and lower, the backing pixel data for a Bitmap is stored in native memory. It is separate from the Bitmap itself, which is stored in the Dalvik heap. The pixel data in native memory is not released in a predictable manner, potentially causing an application to briefly exceed its memory limits and crash. From Android 3.0 (API level 11) through Android 7.1 (API level 25), the pixel data is stored on the Dalvik heap along with the associated Bitmap. In Android 8.0 (API level 26), and higher, the Bitmap pixel data is stored in the native heap.

大意就是: 2.3之前的像素存储需要的内存是在native上分配的,并且生命周期不太可控,可能需要用户自己回收。 2.3-7.1之间,Bitmap的像素存储在Dalvik的Java堆上,当然,4.4之前的甚至能在匿名共享内存上分配(Fresco采用),而8.0之后的像素内存又重新回到native上去分配,不需要用户主动回收,8.0之后图像资源的管理更加优秀,极大降低了OOM。Android 2.3.3已经属于过期技术,不再分析,本文主要看4.x之后的手机系统。

Android 8.0前后Bitmap内存增长曲线直观对比

Bitmap内存分配一个很大的分水岭是在Android 8.0,可以用一段代码来模拟器Bitmap无限增长,最终OOM,或者Crash退出。通过在不同版本上的表现,期待对Bitmap内存分配有一个直观的了解,示例代码如下:

void increase{
Map<String, Bitmap> map = new HashMap<>();
for(int i=0 ; i<10;i++){
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeResource(getResources(),;
map.put("" + System.currentTimeMillis(), bitmap);

Nexus5 Android 6.0的表现

不断的解析图片,并持有Bitmap引用,会导致内存不断上升,通过Android Profiler工具简单看一下上图内存分配状况,在某一个点内存分配情况如下:


内存 大小
Total 211M
Java内存 157.2M
native内存 3.7M
Bitmap内存 145.9M(152663617 byte)
Graphics内存(一般是Fb对应的,App不需要考虑) 45.1M(152663617 byte)

从上表可以看到绝大数内存都是由Bitmap,并且位于虚拟机的heap中,其实是因为在6.0中,bitmap的像素数据都是以byte的数组的形式存在java 虚拟机的heap中。内存无限增大,直到OOM崩溃的时候,内存状况入下:

内存 大小
Total 546.2M
Java内存 496.8M
native内存 3.3M
Graphics内存(一般是Fb对应的,App不需要考虑) 45.1M


可见,对于Android6.0,Bitmap的内存分配基本都在Java层。然后,再看一下Android 8.0的Bitmap分配。

Nexus6p Android 8.0 的表现

In Android 8.0 (API level 26), and higher, the Bitmap pixel data is stored in the native heap.


内存 大小
Total 1.2G
Java内存 0G
native内存 1.1G
Graphics内存(一般是Fb对应的,App不需要考虑) 0.1G


内存 大小
Total 1.9G
Java内存 0G
native内存 1.9G
Graphics内存(一般是Fb对应的,App不需要考虑) 0.1G


如果没有在AndroidManifest中启用largeheap,那么Java 堆内存达到192M的时候就会崩溃,对于现在动辄4G的手机而言,存在严重的资源浪费,ios的一个APP几乎能用近所有的可用内存(除去系统开支),8.0之后,Android也向这个方向靠拢,最好的下手对象就是Bitmap,因为它是耗内存大户。图片内存被转移到native之后,一个APP的图片处理不仅能使用系统绝大多数内存,还能降低Java层内存使用,减少OOM风险。不过,内存无限增长的情况下,也会导致APP崩溃,但是这种崩溃已经不是OOM崩溃了,Java虚拟机也不会捕获,按道理说,应该属于linux的OOM了。从崩溃时候的Log就能看得出与Android6.0的区别:


Android 6.0模拟native内存OOM


void increase(){
int size=1024*1024*100;
char *Ptr = NULL;
Ptr = (char *)malloc(size * sizeof(char));
for(int i=0;i<size ;i++) {
for(int i=0;i<1024*1024 ;i++) {
LOGI(" malloc - %d" ,*(Ptr+i));


内存 大小
Total 750m
Java内存 1.9m
native内存 703M
Graphics内存(一般是Fb对应的,App不需要考虑) 44.1M

Total内存750m,已经超过Nexus5 Android6.0 Dalvik虚拟机内存上限,但APP没有崩溃,可见native内存的增长并不会导致java虚拟机的OOM,在native层,oom的时机是到系统内存用尽的时候:




其实,通过Bitmap的成员列表,就能看出一点眉目,Bitmap中有个byte[] mBuffer,其实就是用来存储像素数据的,很明显它位于java heap中

public final class Bitmap implements Parcelable {
private static final String TAG = "Bitmap";
private byte[] mBuffer;


public static Bitmap createBitmap(int width, int height, Config config) {
return createBitmap(width, height, config, true);


 static jobject Bitmap_creator(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jintArray jColors,
jint offset, jint stride, jint width, jint height,
jint configHandle, jboolean isMutable) {
SkColorType colorType = GraphicsJNI::legacyBitmapConfigToColorType(configHandle);
... SkBitmap Bitmap;
Bitmap.setInfo(SkImageInfo::Make(width, height, colorType, kPremul_SkAlphaType));
<!--关键点1 像素内存分配-->
Bitmap* nativeBitmap = GraphicsJNI::allocateJavaPixelRef(env, &Bitmap, NULL);
if (!nativeBitmap) {
return NULL;
jbyte* addr = (jbyte*) env->CallLongMethod(gVMRuntime, gVMRuntime_addressOf, arrayObj);
android::Bitmap* wrapper = new android::Bitmap(env, arrayObj, (void*) addr,
info, rowBytes, ctable);
return wrapper;


android::Bitmap* GraphicsJNI::allocateJavaPixelRef(JNIEnv* env, SkBitmap* bitmap,
SkColorTable* ctable) {
const SkImageInfo& info = bitmap->info();
if (info.fColorType == kUnknown_SkColorType) {
doThrowIAE(env, "unknown bitmap configuration");
return NULL;
} size_t size;
if (!computeAllocationSize(*bitmap, &size)) {
return NULL;
} // we must respect the rowBytes value already set on the bitmap instead of
// attempting to compute our own.
const size_t rowBytes = bitmap->rowBytes();
<!--关键点1 ,创建Java层字节数据,作为数据存储单元-->
jbyteArray arrayObj = (jbyteArray) env->CallObjectMethod(gVMRuntime,
gByte_class, size);
if (env->ExceptionCheck() != 0) {
return NULL;
jbyte* addr = (jbyte*) env->CallLongMethod(gVMRuntime, gVMRuntime_addressOf, arrayObj);
if (env->ExceptionCheck() != 0) {
return NULL;
android::Bitmap* wrapper = new android::Bitmap(env, arrayObj, (void*) addr,
info, rowBytes, ctable);
// since we're already allocated, we lockPixels right away
// HeapAllocator behaves this way too
bitmap->lockPixels(); return wrapper;

由于只关心内存分配,同样只看关键点1,这里其实就是在native层创建Java层byte[],并将这个byte[]作为像素存储结构,之后再通过在native层构建Java Bitmap对象的方式,将生成的byte[]传递给Bitmap.java对象:

jobject GraphicsJNI::createBitmap(JNIEnv* env, android::Bitmap* bitmap,
int bitmapCreateFlags, jbyteArray ninePatchChunk, jobject ninePatchInsets,
int density) {
...<!--关键点1,构建java Bitmap对象,并设置byte[] mBuffer-->
jobject obj = env->NewObject(gBitmap_class, gBitmap_constructorMethodID,
reinterpret_cast<jlong>(bitmap), bitmap->javaByteArray(),
bitmap->width(), bitmap->height(), density, isMutable, isPremultiplied,
ninePatchChunk, ninePatchInsets);
hasException(env); // For the side effect of logging.
return obj;



其实从8.0的Bitmap.java类也能看出区别,之前的 private byte[] mBuffer成员不见了,取而代之的是private final long mNativePtr,也就说,Bitmap.java只剩下一个壳了,具体如下:

public final class Bitmap implements Parcelable {
// Convenience for JNI access
private final long mNativePtr;


static jobject Bitmap_creator(JNIEnv* env, jobject, jintArray jColors,
jint offset, jint stride, jint width, jint height,
jint configHandle, jboolean isMutable,
jfloatArray xyzD50, jobject transferParameters) {
SkColorType colorType = GraphicsJNI::legacyBitmapConfigToColorType(configHandle);
<!--关键点1 ,native层创建bitmap,并分配native内存-->
sk_sp<Bitmap> nativeBitmap = Bitmap::allocateHeapBitmap(&Bitmap);
if (!nativeBitmap) {
return NULL;
return createBitmap(env, nativeBitmap.release(), getPremulBitmapCreateFlags(isMutable));


static sk_sp<Bitmap> allocateHeapBitmap(size_t size, const SkImageInfo& info, size_t rowBytes) {
<!--关键点1 直接calloc分配内存-->
void* addr = calloc(size, 1);
if (!addr) {
return nullptr;
<!--关键点2 创建native Bitmap-->
return sk_sp<Bitmap>(new Bitmap(addr, size, info, rowBytes));

会提示Java OOM的原因。


NativeAllocationRegistry是Android 8.0引入的一种辅助自动回收native内存的一种机制,当Java对象因为GC被回收后,NativeAllocationRegistry可以辅助回收Java对象所申请的native内存,拿Bitmap为例,入下:

Bitmap(long nativeBitmap, int width, int height, int density,
boolean isMutable, boolean requestPremultiplied,
byte[] ninePatchChunk, NinePatch.InsetStruct ninePatchInsets) {
mNativePtr = nativeBitmap;
long nativeSize = NATIVE_ALLOCATION_SIZE + getAllocationByteCount();
NativeAllocationRegistry registry = new NativeAllocationRegistry(
Bitmap.class.getClassLoader(), nativeGetNativeFinalizer(), nativeSize);
registry.registerNativeAllocation(this, nativeBitmap);
sPreloadTracingTotalBitmapsSize += nativeSize;


Android 4.4之前其实Bitmap也可在native(伪)分配内存


* @deprecated As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP}, this is
* ignored.
* In {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} and below, if this
* is set to true, then the resulting bitmap will allocate its
* pixels such that they can be purged if the system needs to reclaim
* memory. In that instance, when the pixels need to be accessed again
* (e.g. the bitmap is drawn, getPixels() is called), they will be
* automatically re-decoded.
* <p>For the re-decode to happen, the bitmap must have access to the
* encoded data, either by sharing a reference to the input
* or by making a copy of it. This distinction is controlled by
* inInputShareable. If this is true, then the bitmap may keep a shallow
* reference to the input. If this is false, then the bitmap will
* explicitly make a copy of the input data, and keep that. Even if
* sharing is allowed, the implementation may still decide to make a
* deep copy of the input data.</p >
* <p>While inPurgeable can help avoid big Dalvik heap allocations (from
* API level 11 onward), it sacrifices performance predictability since any
* image that the view system tries to draw may incur a decode delay which
* can lead to dropped frames. Therefore, most apps should avoid using
* inPurgeable to allow for a fast and fluid UI. To minimize Dalvik heap
* allocations use the {@link #inBitmap} flag instead.</p >
* <p class="note"><strong>Note:</strong> This flag is ignored when used
* with {@link #decodeResource(Resources, int,
*} or {@link #decodeFile(String,
*}.</p >
public boolean inPurgeable; /**
* @deprecated As of {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#LOLLIPOP}, this is
* ignored.
* In {@link android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES#KITKAT} and below, this
* field works in conjuction with inPurgeable. If inPurgeable is false,
* then this field is ignored. If inPurgeable is true, then this field
* determines whether the bitmap can share a reference to the input
* data (inputstream, array, etc.) or if it must make a deep copy.
public boolean inInputShareable;


  • 8.0之前的Bitmap像素数据基本存储在Java heap
  • 8.0之后的 Bitmap像素数据基本存储在native heap
  • 4.4可以通过inInputShareable、inPurgeable让Bitmap的内存在native层分配(已废弃)


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