# animal is-a object(yes,sort of sonfusing)look at the extra credit
class Animal(objeck):
pass #Dog 类 继承 Animal
class Dog(Animal):
def __init__(self,name):
#对 对象Dog赋值 name
self.name =name
#Cat 类 继承 Animal
class Cat(Animal):
def __init__(self,name):
#对 对象 Cat 赋值 name
self.name=name #建立类 Person
class Person(objeck):
def __init__(self,name):
##对 对象 Person 赋值 name
self.name = name #Person has-a pet of some kind
self.pet = none #类 Employee 继承 Person
class Employee(Person):
def __init__(self,name,salary)
#? what is this strange magic?
#使用超级继承 super ,对 Employee 增加初始化 init
# 赋值 salary
self.salary= salary #建 类 Fish
class Fish(objeck):
pass #Salmon 类 继承 Fish
class Salmon(Fish):
#Halibut 类 继承 Fish
class Halibut(Fish):
pass #rover is-a Dog
rover = Dog('rover')
#satan is-a Cat
satan = Cat('satan')
#mary is-a Person
mary = Person('mary')
#mary has-a pet,pet(name) is satan
mary.pet = satan
#frank is-a Employee frank.salary = 12000
frank = Employee('frank',12000)
#fank has-a pet,pet(name) = rover
frank.pet rover
#flipper is-a Fish
flipper =Fish()
#crouse is-a Salmon
crouse =Salmon()
#harry is-a Halbut
harry = Halibut()



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