
ls list directory contents 列出文件及目录
lsattr List file attributes on a Linux second extended file system 在Linux第二个扩展文件系统上列出文件属性
lsblk List block devices 列出块设备, 还有blkid可用
lscpu Display information about the CPU architecture 显示有关CPU架构的信息
lshw List hardware 列出硬件
lsinitcpio Examine an initramfs 检查initramfs
lsipc Show information on IPC facilities currently employed in the system 显示系统中当前使用的IPC设施的信息
lslocks List local system locks 列出本地系统锁
lslogins Display information about known users in the system 显示有关系统中已知用户的信息
lsmem List the ranges of available memory with their online status 列出可用内存的在线状态范围
lsmod Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel 显示Linux内核中模块的状态
lsns List namespaces 列出命名空间
lsof List open files 列出打开的文件
lspci List all PCI devices 列出所有PCI设备
lsusb List USB devices 列出USB设备 Executable, 15kB 更详细的列出USB设备
lsoptdepends Executable, 2.5kB 依赖项?

先看看帮助: $ lsoptdepends -h

lsoptdepends   最后一列是(wc -l)统计的行数 932
-u only list uninstalled optdepends 仅列出已卸载的optdepends 504
--orphan list installed optdepends that are not hard deps of any package 列出已安装的optdepends,它们不是任何软件包的硬件代码 88
-q only print package names 只打印包名 399

sudo pacman -Qo lsoptdepends
/usr/bin/lsoptdepends is owned by pyalpm 0.8.5-2

sudo pacman -Qi pyalpm
Description     : Libalpm bindings for Python 3
Required By     : namcap
Install Reason  : Installed as a dependency for another package

sudo pacman -Qi namcap
Description     : A Pacman package analyzer
Required By     : None
Install Date    : Thu 28 Mar 2019 06:23:36 PM CST
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed


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