1. 新建app

startapp your_app_name

2. 删除app

migrate your_app_name zero

此外还需要删除整个App文件夹,并在settings.py的Installed Apps中移除该app。

3. makemigrations 和 migrate


migrate, which is responsible for applying and unapplying migrations.
makemigrations, which is responsible for creating new migrations based on the changes you have made to your models.



  • makemigrations是将model层转为迁移文件migration
  • migrate将新版本的迁移文件执行,更新数据库。

这两中命令调用默认为全局,即对所有最新更改的model或迁移文件进行操作。如果想对部分app进行操作,就在其后追加app name

4. 创建超级用户




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