在struct streaming提供了一个类,用来监听流的启动、停止、状态更新


实例化:StreamingQueryListener 后需要实现3个函数:

abstract class StreamingQueryListener {

import StreamingQueryListener._

* Called when a query is started.
* @note This is called synchronously with
* [[org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.DataStreamWriter `DataStreamWriter.start()`]],
* that is, `onQueryStart` will be called on all listeners before
* `DataStreamWriter.start()` returns the corresponding [[StreamingQuery]]. Please
* don't block this method as it will block your query.
* @since 2.0.0
def onQueryStarted(event: QueryStartedEvent): Unit /**
* Called when there is some status update (ingestion rate updated, etc.)
* @note This method is asynchronous. The status in [[StreamingQuery]] will always be
* latest no matter when this method is called. Therefore, the status of [[StreamingQuery]]
* may be changed before/when you process the event. E.g., you may find [[StreamingQuery]]
* is terminated when you are processing `QueryProgressEvent`.
* @since 2.0.0
def onQueryProgress(event: QueryProgressEvent): Unit /**
* Called when a query is stopped, with or without error.
* @since 2.0.0
def onQueryTerminated(event: QueryTerminatedEvent): Unit

一般在流处理中添加任务告警时候能用到。比如在onQueryStarted中判断是不是有满足告警的条件 , 如果有的话,就发送邮件告警或者钉钉告警灯

class QueryTerminatedEvent private[sql](
val id: UUID,
val runId: UUID,
val exception: Option[String]) extends Event


* Created by angel
object Test {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
val spark = SparkSession
spark.sparkContext.setLogLevel("WARN") // Save the code as demo-StreamingQueryManager.scala
// Start it using spark-shell
// $ ./bin/spark-shell -i demo-StreamingQueryManager.scala // Register a StreamingQueryListener to receive notifications about state changes of streaming queries
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryListener
val myQueryListener = new StreamingQueryListener {
import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming.StreamingQueryListener._
def onQueryTerminated(event: QueryTerminatedEvent): Unit = {
println(s"Query ${event.id} terminated")
} def onQueryStarted(event: QueryStartedEvent): Unit = {
println(s"Query ${event.id} started")
def onQueryProgress(event: QueryProgressEvent): Unit = {
println(s"Query ${event.progress.name} process")
spark.streams.addListener(myQueryListener) import org.apache.spark.sql.streaming._
import scala.concurrent.duration._ // Start streaming queries // Start the first query
val q4s = spark.readStream.
option("truncate", false).
start // Start another query that is slightly slower
val q10s = spark.readStream.
option("truncate", false).
start // Both queries run concurrently
// You should see different outputs in the console
// q4s prints out 4 rows every batch and twice as often as q10s
// q10s prints out 10 rows every batch /*
Batch: 7
|timestamp |value|
|2017-10-27 13:44:07.462|21 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:08.462|22 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:09.462|23 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:10.462|24 |
+-----------------------+-----+ -------------------------------------------
Batch: 8
|timestamp |value|
|2017-10-27 13:44:11.462|25 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:12.462|26 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:13.462|27 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:14.462|28 |
+-----------------------+-----+ -------------------------------------------
Batch: 2
|timestamp |value|
|2017-10-27 13:44:09.847|6 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:10.847|7 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:11.847|8 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:12.847|9 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:13.847|10 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:14.847|11 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:15.847|12 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:16.847|13 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:17.847|14 |
|2017-10-27 13:44:18.847|15 |
*/ // Stop q4s on a separate thread
// as we're about to block the current thread awaiting query termination
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS
def queryTerminator(query: StreamingQuery) = new Runnable {
def run = {
println(s"Stopping streaming query: ${query.id}")
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit.SECONDS
// Stop the first query after 10 seconds
scheduleWithFixedDelay(queryTerminator(q4s), , * , SECONDS)
// Stop the other query after 20 seconds
scheduleWithFixedDelay(queryTerminator(q10s), , * , SECONDS) // Use StreamingQueryManager to wait for any query termination (either q1 or q2)
// the current thread will block indefinitely until either streaming query has finished
spark.streams.awaitAnyTermination // You are here only after either streaming query has finished
// Executing spark.streams.awaitAnyTermination again would return immediately // You should have received the QueryTerminatedEvent for the query termination // reset the last terminated streaming query
spark.streams.resetTerminated // You know at least one query has terminated // Wait for the other query to terminate
spark.streams.awaitAnyTermination assert(spark.streams.active.isEmpty) println("The demo went all fine. Exiting...") // leave spark-shell



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