在LLVM中,有原生的AST Clone,却没有一个比较好的Stmt copy功能,基于Scout在LLVM上进行的修改,我们实现了自己的Stmt Clone功能。

要进行Stmt Clone,肯定需要新建新的AST节点,首先用一个立即介绍如何进行AST节点的构建,以新建一个全局的variable为例。





int main()
return ;


int main()
return ;
int a;


std::string keyName = "a";
int value = ; IdentifierTable& idTable = Context->Idents;
IdentifierInfo& idInfo =idTable.get(keyName);
const SourceLocation nopos;
VarDecl *tmpVar = VarDecl::Create(*Context, Context->getTranslationUnitDecl(), nopos, nopos, &idInfo, Context->IntTy, Context->CreateTypeSourceInfo(Context->IntTy), SC_None);
Context->getTranslationUnitDecl()->addDeclInternal (tmpVar);
IntegerLiteral *init = IntegerLiteral::Create(*Context,llvm::APInt(Context->getIntWidth(Context->IntTy),value,true),
if (init != )

如果想新建一个int *a;这种的,稍微比较麻烦,因为需要自己新建类型。在context中只提供了基础类型的:

  // Builtin Types.
CanQualType VoidTy;
CanQualType BoolTy;
CanQualType CharTy;
CanQualType WCharTy; // [C++ 3.9.1p5].
CanQualType WideCharTy; // Same as WCharTy in C++, integer type in C99.
CanQualType WIntTy; // [C99 7.24.1], integer type unchanged by default promotions.
CanQualType Char16Ty; // [C++0x 3.9.1p5], integer type in C99.
CanQualType Char32Ty; // [C++0x 3.9.1p5], integer type in C99.
CanQualType SignedCharTy, ShortTy, IntTy, LongTy, LongLongTy, Int128Ty;
CanQualType UnsignedCharTy, UnsignedShortTy, UnsignedIntTy, UnsignedLongTy;
CanQualType UnsignedLongLongTy, UnsignedInt128Ty;
CanQualType FloatTy, DoubleTy, LongDoubleTy, Float128Ty;
CanQualType HalfTy; // [OpenCL], ARM NEON
CanQualType FloatComplexTy, DoubleComplexTy, LongDoubleComplexTy;
CanQualType Float128ComplexTy;
CanQualType VoidPtrTy, NullPtrTy;
CanQualType DependentTy, OverloadTy, BoundMemberTy, UnknownAnyTy;
CanQualType BuiltinFnTy;
CanQualType PseudoObjectTy, ARCUnbridgedCastTy;
CanQualType ObjCBuiltinIdTy, ObjCBuiltinClassTy, ObjCBuiltinSelTy;
CanQualType ObjCBuiltinBoolTy;
#define IMAGE_TYPE(ImgType, Id, SingletonId, Access, Suffix) \
CanQualType SingletonId;
#include "clang/Basic/OpenCLImageTypes.def"
CanQualType OCLSamplerTy, OCLEventTy, OCLClkEventTy;
CanQualType OCLQueueTy, OCLNDRangeTy, OCLReserveIDTy;
CanQualType OMPArraySectionTy; // Types for deductions in C++0x [stmt.ranged]'s desugaring. Built on demand.
mutable QualType AutoDeductTy; // Deduction against 'auto'.
mutable QualType AutoRRefDeductTy; // Deduction against 'auto &&'. // Decl used to help define __builtin_va_list for some targets.
// The decl is built when constructing 'BuiltinVaListDecl'.
mutable Decl *VaListTagDecl;

新建int *a;第一步自然是在源码中手动插入这样的代码,使用clang -fsyntax-only -Xclang -ast-dump test.cpp来查看这个新建的AST节点是如何表达的,再寻找对应的新建方式。

VarDecl 0xccec418 <test.cpp:2:1, col:6> col:6 a 'int *'


else if(isa<VarDecl>(*D))
VarDecl *var = dyn_cast<VarDecl>(*D);
QualType varTp = var->getType(); while (true) {
const PointerType *pointTp = varTp->getAs<PointerType>();
const Type* ET = varTp->getArrayElementTypeNoTypeQual();
varTp = pointTp ->getPointeeType(); }
std::cout <<"********"<<std::endl;


VarDecl 0xde9dcf0 <test.cpp::, col:> col: a 'int *'
PointerType 0xd732d00 'int *'
`-BuiltinType 0xd6a8140 'int'
BuiltinType 0xd6a8140 'int'

这里就比较明显了,这个VarDecl的QUALType是 PointerType,而PointerType对应的Pointee是int。

这样模仿上边的代码,如果新建一个int **aaaa;的节点,可以使用:

std::string keyName = "aaaa";
IdentifierTable& idTable = Context->Idents;
IdentifierInfo& idInfo =idTable.get(keyName);
const SourceLocation nopos;
QualType PointerTy_1 = Context->getPointerType(Context->getIntTypeForBitwidth(, ));
QualType PointerTy_2 = Context->getPointerType(PointerTy_1);
VarDecl *tmpVar = VarDecl::Create(*Context, Context->getTranslationUnitDecl(), nopos, nopos, &idInfo, PointerTy_2, Context->CreateTypeSourceInfo(PointerTy_2), SC_None);
Context->getTranslationUnitDecl()->addDecl (tmpVar);

本来想写Stmt Clone的,太多了,不好讲,先鸽。


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