

我們可以使用 組合鍵 ctrl + 來放大網頁的比例,使得sikuli的OCR功能找的更清準


for i in range(4):
type("+", KEY_CTRL) which = input() # Let user type the string which user want. print Region(344,178,124,501).hover(which) mouseMove(Env.getMouseLocation().offset(-100,-100)) print Region(344,178,124,501).text()

 We can use 'Create Region' icon in sikuli IDE to get Region(344,178,124,501).

Or Using selectRegion() in the runtime gets the Region(344,178,124,501).


Sample Script : https://github.com/ck1125/sikuli/tree/master/sikuli-ide/sample-scripts

AutoCreatingForThreeJia : https://github.com/SikuliScriptForWuXiaQChuan/AutoCreatingForThreeJia


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