

[hadoop@hadoop01 ~]$ tar -zxvf scala-2.13.1.tgz


[hadoop@hadoop01 scala-2.13.1]$ ls -ll
total 16
drwxrwxr-x. 2 hadoop hadoop 162 Sep 18 17:23 bin
drwxrwxr-x. 4 hadoop hadoop 86 Sep 18 17:23 doc
drwxrwxr-x. 2 hadoop hadoop 153 Sep 18 17:23 lib
-rw-rw-r--. 1 hadoop hadoop 11357 Sep 18 17:23 LICENSE
drwxrwxr-x. 3 hadoop hadoop 18 Sep 18 17:23 man
-rw-rw-r--. 1 hadoop hadoop 646 Sep 18 17:23 NOTICE


scala> println("hello world")
hello world scala> 5*9
res1: Int = 45 scala> 2*res1
res4: Int = 90 scala> :help //这里显示了scala命令的使用方法,注意命令前不要少了:
All commands can be abbreviated, e.g., :he instead of :help.
:completions <string> output completions for the given string
:edit <id>|<line> edit history
:help [command] print this summary or command-specific help
:history [num] show the history (optional num is commands to show)
:h? <string> search the history
:imports [name name ...] show import history, identifying sources of names
:implicits [-v] show the implicits in scope
:javap <path|class> disassemble a file or class name
:line <id>|<line> place line(s) at the end of history
:load <path> interpret lines in a file
:paste [-raw] [path] enter paste mode or paste a file
:power enable power user mode
:quit exit the interpreter
:replay [options] reset the repl and replay all previous commands
:require <path> add a jar to the classpath
:reset [options] reset the repl to its initial state, forgetting all session entries
:save <path> save replayable session to a file
:sh <command line> run a shell command (result is implicitly => List[String])
:settings <options> update compiler options, if possible; see reset
:silent disable/enable automatic printing of results
:type [-v] <expr> display the type of an expression without evaluating it
:kind [-v] <type> display the kind of a type. see also :help kind
:warnings show the suppressed warnings from the most recent line which had any scala> :quit


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