二次联通门 : codevs 2803 爱丽丝·玛格特罗依德

codevs 2803 爱丽丝·玛格特罗伊德

   高精 + 找规律 显然, 能拆3就多拆3
不能拆就拆2 注意特判一下 */
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include <algorithm> #define int64 long long using namespace std; #define Max 105 const int B = ;
const int L = ; inline int intcmp(int a, int b)
if (a > b)
return ;
else if (a < b)
return -;
return ;
} void read (int &now)
now = ;
register char word = getchar ();
while (word < '' || word > '')
word = getchar ();
while (word >= '' && word <= '')
now = now * + word - '';
word = getchar ();
struct BigInt
{ vector<int> a;
BigInt(int n)
while (n > )
a.push_back(n % B), n /= B;
} BigInt(int64 n)
while (n > )
a.push_back(n % B), n /= B;
inline void clr0()
while (!a.empty() && a.back() == )
inline BigInt &operator+=(const BigInt &rhs)
a.resize(max(a.size(), rhs.a.size()));
int t = ;
for (int i = ; i < (int)rhs.a.size(); i++)
a[i] += rhs.a[i] + t;
t = a[i] >= B;
a[i] -= B & (-t);
for (int i = (int)rhs.a.size(); t != && i < (int)a.size(); i++)
a[i] += t;
t = a[i] >= B;
a[i] -= B & (-t);
if (t != )
return *this;
inline BigInt &operator-=(const BigInt &rhs)
a.resize(max(a.size(), rhs.a.size()));
int t = ;
for (int i = ; i < (int)rhs.a.size(); i++)
a[i] -= rhs.a[i] + t;
t = a[i] < ;
a[i] += B & (-t);
for (int i = (int)rhs.a.size(); t != && i < (int)a.size(); i++)
a[i] -= t;
t = a[i] < ;
a[i] += B & (-t);
return *this;
inline BigInt &operator*=(const BigInt &rhs)
int na = (int)a.size();
a.resize(na + rhs.a.size());
for (int i = na - ; i >= ; i--)
int ai = a[i];
int64 t = ;
a[i] = ;
for (int j = ; j < (int)rhs.a.size(); j++)
t += a[i + j] + (int64)ai * rhs.a[j];
a[i + j] = t % B;
t /= B;
for (int j = (int)rhs.a.size(); t != && i + j < (int)a.size(); j++)
t += a[i + j];
a[i + j] = t % B;
t /= B;
assert(t == );
return *this;
inline BigInt &operator/=(const BigInt &rhs)
return *this = div(rhs);
inline BigInt &operator%=(const BigInt &rhs)
return div(rhs), *this;
inline BigInt &shlb(int l = )
if (a.empty())
return *this;
a.resize(a.size() + l);
for (int i = (int)a.size() - ; i >= l; i--)
a[i] = a[i - l];
for (int i = ; i < l; i++)
a[i] = ;
return *this;
inline BigInt &shrb(int l = )
for (int i = ; i < (int)a.size() - l; i++)
a[i] = a[i + l];
a.resize(max((int)a.size() - l, ));
return *this;
inline int cmp(const BigInt &rhs) const
if (a.size() != rhs.a.size())
return intcmp(a.size(), rhs.a.size());
for (int i = (int)a.size() - ; i >= ; i--)
if (a[i] != rhs.a[i])
return intcmp(a[i], rhs.a[i]);
return ;
inline BigInt div(const BigInt &rhs)
if (rhs > *this)
return ;
BigInt q, r;
q.a.resize((int)a.size() - (int)rhs.a.size() + );
for (int i = (int)a.size() - ; i > (int)a.size() - (int)rhs.a.size(); i--)
r += a[i];
for (int i = (int)a.size() - (int)rhs.a.size(); i >= ; i--)
r += a[i];
if (r.cmp(rhs) < )
q.a[i] = ;
int le = , ri = B;
while (le != ri)
int mi = (le + ri) / ;
if ((rhs * mi).cmp(r) <= )
le = mi + ;
ri = mi;
q.a[i] = le - ;
r -= rhs * q.a[i];
*this = r;
return q;
friend inline BigInt operator+(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
BigInt res = lhs;
return res += rhs;
friend inline BigInt operator-(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
BigInt res = lhs;
return res -= rhs;
friend inline BigInt operator*(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
BigInt res = lhs;
return res *= rhs;
friend inline BigInt operator/(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
BigInt res = lhs;
return res.div(rhs);
friend inline BigInt operator%(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
BigInt res = lhs;
return res.div(rhs), res;
friend inline ostream &operator<<(ostream &out, const BigInt &rhs)
if (rhs.a.size() == )
out << "";
out << rhs.a.back();
for (int i = (int)rhs.a.size() - ; i >= ; i--)
out << setfill('') << setw(L) << rhs.a[i];
return out;
friend inline bool operator<(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
return lhs.cmp(rhs) < ;
friend inline bool operator<=(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
return lhs.cmp(rhs) <= ;
friend inline bool operator>(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
return lhs.cmp(rhs) > ;
friend inline bool operator>=(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
return lhs.cmp(rhs) >= ;
friend inline bool operator==(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
return lhs.cmp(rhs) == ;
friend inline bool operator!=(const BigInt &lhs, const BigInt &rhs)
return lhs.cmp(rhs) != ;
}; int N;
BigInt Answer = ; int main (int argc, char *argv[])
{ for (read (N); N; )
if (N == )
N -= ;
Answer *= ;
else if (N >= )
N -= ;
Answer *= ;
else if (N == )
N -= ;
Answer *= ;
else if (N == )
puts ("");
return ;
cout << Answer;
return ;


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