
* <html>
* <body>
* <P> Copyright 1994 JsonInternational</p>
* <p> All rights reserved.</p>
* <p> Created on 19941115</p>
* <p> Created by Jason</p>
* </body>
* </html>
package cn.ucaner.alpaca.framework.utils.card; import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map; import cn.ucaner.alpaca.framework.utils.string.StringHelper; /**
* @Package:cn.ucaner.framework.utils
* @ClassName:IdCardUtils
* @Description: <p> 身份证工具类 </p>
* @Author: - Jason
* @CreatTime:2017年8月30日 下午2:13:10
* @Modify By:
* @ModifyTime:
* @Modify marker:
* @version V1.0
public class IdCardUtils extends StringHelper { /** 中国公民身份证号码最小长度。 */
public static final int CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH = 15; /** 中国公民身份证号码最大长度。 */
public static final int CHINA_ID_MAX_LENGTH = 18; /** 省、直辖市代码表 */
public static final String[] cityCode = { "11",
"91" }; /** 每位加权因子 */
public static final int[] power = { 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2, 1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2 }; /** 第18位校检码 */
public static final String[] verifyCode = { "1", "0", "X", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3", "2" };
/** 最低年限 */
public static final int MIN = 1930;
public static Map<String, String> cityCodes = new HashMap<String, String>();
/** 台湾身份首字母对应数字 */
public static Map<String, Integer> twFirstCode = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
/** 香港身份首字母对应数字 */
public static Map<String, Integer> hkFirstCode = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
static {
cityCodes.put("11", "北京");
cityCodes.put("12", "天津");
cityCodes.put("13", "河北");
cityCodes.put("14", "山西");
cityCodes.put("15", "内蒙古");
cityCodes.put("21", "辽宁");
cityCodes.put("22", "吉林");
cityCodes.put("23", "黑龙江");
cityCodes.put("31", "上海");
cityCodes.put("32", "江苏");
cityCodes.put("33", "浙江");
cityCodes.put("34", "安徽");
cityCodes.put("35", "福建");
cityCodes.put("36", "江西");
cityCodes.put("37", "山东");
cityCodes.put("41", "河南");
cityCodes.put("42", "湖北");
cityCodes.put("43", "湖南");
cityCodes.put("44", "广东");
cityCodes.put("45", "广西");
cityCodes.put("46", "海南");
cityCodes.put("50", "重庆");
cityCodes.put("51", "四川");
cityCodes.put("52", "贵州");
cityCodes.put("53", "云南");
cityCodes.put("54", "西藏");
cityCodes.put("61", "陕西");
cityCodes.put("62", "甘肃");
cityCodes.put("63", "青海");
cityCodes.put("64", "宁夏");
cityCodes.put("65", "新疆");
cityCodes.put("71", "台湾");
cityCodes.put("81", "香港");
cityCodes.put("82", "澳门");
cityCodes.put("91", "国外");
twFirstCode.put("A", 10);
twFirstCode.put("B", 11);
twFirstCode.put("C", 12);
twFirstCode.put("D", 13);
twFirstCode.put("E", 14);
twFirstCode.put("F", 15);
twFirstCode.put("G", 16);
twFirstCode.put("H", 17);
twFirstCode.put("J", 18);
twFirstCode.put("K", 19);
twFirstCode.put("L", 20);
twFirstCode.put("M", 21);
twFirstCode.put("N", 22);
twFirstCode.put("P", 23);
twFirstCode.put("Q", 24);
twFirstCode.put("R", 25);
twFirstCode.put("S", 26);
twFirstCode.put("T", 27);
twFirstCode.put("U", 28);
twFirstCode.put("V", 29);
twFirstCode.put("X", 30);
twFirstCode.put("Y", 31);
twFirstCode.put("W", 32);
twFirstCode.put("Z", 33);
twFirstCode.put("I", 34);
twFirstCode.put("O", 35);
hkFirstCode.put("A", 1);
hkFirstCode.put("B", 2);
hkFirstCode.put("C", 3);
hkFirstCode.put("R", 18);
hkFirstCode.put("U", 21);
hkFirstCode.put("Z", 26);
hkFirstCode.put("X", 24);
hkFirstCode.put("W", 23);
hkFirstCode.put("O", 15);
hkFirstCode.put("N", 14);
} /**
* 将15位身份证号码转换为18位
* @param idCard 15位身份编码
* @return 18位身份编码
public static String conver15CardTo18(String idCard) {
String idCard18 = "";
if (idCard.length() != CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
return null;
if (isNum(idCard)) {
// 获取出生年月日
String birthday = idCard.substring(6, 12);
Date birthDate = null;
try {
birthDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yyMMdd").parse(birthday);
} catch (ParseException e) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
if (birthDate != null) {
// 获取出生年(完全表现形式,如:2010)
String sYear = String.valueOf(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR));
idCard18 = idCard.substring(0, 6) + sYear + idCard.substring(8);
// 转换字符数组
char[] cArr = idCard18.toCharArray();
if (cArr != null) {
int[] iCard = converCharToInt(cArr);
int iSum17 = getPowerSum(iCard);
// 获取校验位
String sVal = getCheckCode18(iSum17);
if (sVal.length() > 0) {
idCard18 += sVal;
} else {
return null;
} else {
return null;
return idCard18;
} /**
* 验证身份证是否合法
public static boolean validateCard(String idCard) {
String card = idCard.trim();
if (validateIdCard18(card)) {
return true;
if (validateIdCard15(card)) {
return true;
String[] cardval = validateIdCard10(card);
if (cardval != null) {
if ("true".equals(cardval[2])) {
return true;
return false;
} /**
* 验证18位身份编码是否合法
* @param idCard 身份编码
* @return 是否合法
public static boolean validateIdCard18(String idCard) {
boolean bTrue = false;
if (idCard.length() == CHINA_ID_MAX_LENGTH) {
// 前17位
String code17 = idCard.substring(0, 17);
// 第18位
String code18 = idCard.substring(17, CHINA_ID_MAX_LENGTH);
if (isNum(code17)) {
char[] cArr = code17.toCharArray();
if (cArr != null) {
int[] iCard = converCharToInt(cArr);
int iSum17 = getPowerSum(iCard);
// 获取校验位
String val = getCheckCode18(iSum17);
if (val.length() > 0 && val.equalsIgnoreCase(code18)) {
bTrue = true;
return bTrue;
} /**
* 验证15位身份编码是否合法
* @param idCard 身份编码
* @return 是否合法
public static boolean validateIdCard15(String idCard) {
if (idCard.length() != CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
return false;
if (isNum(idCard)) {
String proCode = idCard.substring(0, 2);
if (cityCodes.get(proCode) == null) {
return false;
String birthCode = idCard.substring(6, 12);
Date birthDate = null;
try {
birthDate = new SimpleDateFormat("yy").parse(birthCode.substring(0, 2));
} catch (ParseException e) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
if (birthDate != null) {
if (!valiDate(cal.get(Calendar.YEAR), Integer.valueOf(birthCode.substring(2, 4)), Integer.valueOf(birthCode.substring(4, 6)))) {
return false;
} else {
return false;
return true;
} /**
* 验证10位身份编码是否合法
* @param idCard 身份编码
* @return 身份证信息数组
* <p>
* [0] - 台湾、澳门、香港 [1] - 性别(男M,女F,未知N) [2] - 是否合法(合法true,不合法false)
* 若不是身份证件号码则返回null
* </p>
public static String[] validateIdCard10(String idCard) {
String[] info = new String[3];
String card = idCard.replaceAll("[\\(|\\)]", "");
if (card.length() != 8 && card.length() != 9 && idCard.length() != 10) {
return null;
if (idCard.matches("^[a-zA-Z][0-9]{9}{1}")) { // 台湾
info[0] = "台湾";
String char2 = idCard.substring(1, 2);
if ("1".equals(char2)) {
info[1] = "M";
} else if ("2".equals(char2)) {
info[1] = "F";
} else {
info[1] = "N";
info[2] = "false";
return info;
info[2] = validateTWCard(idCard) ? "true" : "false";
} else if (idCard.matches("^[1|5|7][0-9]{6}\\(?[0-9A-Z]\\)?{1}")) { // 澳门
info[0] = "澳门";
info[1] = "N";
} else if (idCard.matches("^[A-Z]{1,2}[0-9]{6}\\(?[0-9A]\\)?{1}")) { // 香港
info[0] = "香港";
info[1] = "N";
info[2] = validateHKCard(idCard) ? "true" : "false";
} else {
return null;
return info;
} /**
* 验证台湾身份证号码
* @param idCard 身份证号码
* @return 验证码是否符合
public static boolean validateTWCard(String idCard) {
String start = idCard.substring(0, 1);
String mid = idCard.substring(1, 9);
String end = idCard.substring(9, 10);
Integer iStart = twFirstCode.get(start);
Integer sum = iStart / 10 + ( iStart % 10 ) * 9;
char[] chars = mid.toCharArray();
Integer iflag = 8;
for (char c : chars) {
sum = sum + Integer.valueOf(c + "") * iflag;
return ( sum % 10 == 0 ? 0 : ( 10 - sum % 10 ) ) == Integer.valueOf(end) ? true : false;
} /**
* 验证香港身份证号码(存在Bug,部份特殊身份证无法检查)
* <p>
* 身份证前2位为英文字符,如果只出现一个英文字符则表示第一位是空格,对应数字58 前2位英文字符A-Z分别对应数字10-35
* 最后一位校验码为0-9的数字加上字符"A","A"代表10
* </p>
* <p>
* 将身份证号码全部转换为数字,分别对应乘9-1相加的总和,整除11则证件号码有效
* </p>
* @param idCard 身份证号码
* @return 验证码是否符合
public static boolean validateHKCard(String idCard) {
String card = idCard.replaceAll("[\\(|\\)]", "");
Integer sum = 0;
if (card.length() == 9) {
sum =
( Integer.valueOf(card.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().toCharArray()[0]) - 55 ) * 9
+ ( Integer.valueOf(card.substring(1, 2).toUpperCase().toCharArray()[0]) - 55 ) * 8;
card = card.substring(1, 9);
} else {
sum = 522 + ( Integer.valueOf(card.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase().toCharArray()[0]) - 55 ) * 8;
String mid = card.substring(1, 7);
String end = card.substring(7, 8);
char[] chars = mid.toCharArray();
Integer iflag = 7;
for (char c : chars) {
sum = sum + Integer.valueOf(c + "") * iflag;
if ("A".equals(end.toUpperCase())) {
sum = sum + 10;
} else {
sum = sum + Integer.valueOf(end);
return ( sum % 11 == 0 ) ? true : false;
} /**
* 将字符数组转换成数字数组
* @param ca 字符数组
* @return 数字数组
public static int[] converCharToInt(char[] ca) {
int len = ca.length;
int[] iArr = new int[len];
try {
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
iArr[i] = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(ca[i]));
} catch (NumberFormatException e) {
return iArr;
} /**
* 将身份证的每位和对应位的加权因子相乘之后,再得到和值
* @param iArr
* @return 身份证编码。
public static int getPowerSum(int[] iArr) {
int iSum = 0;
if (power.length == iArr.length) {
for (int i = 0; i < iArr.length; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < power.length; j++) {
if (i == j) {
iSum = iSum + iArr[i] * power[j];
return iSum;
} /**
* 将power和值与11取模获得余数进行校验码判断
* @param iSum
* @return 校验位
public static String getCheckCode18(int iSum) {
String sCode = "";
switch (iSum % 11) {
case 10:
sCode = "2";
case 9:
sCode = "3";
case 8:
sCode = "4";
case 7:
sCode = "5";
case 6:
sCode = "6";
case 5:
sCode = "7";
case 4:
sCode = "8";
case 3:
sCode = "9";
case 2:
sCode = "x";
case 1:
sCode = "0";
case 0:
sCode = "1";
sCode = "-1";
return sCode;
} /**
* 根据身份编号获取年龄
* @param idCard 身份编号
* @return 年龄
public static int getAgeByIdCard(String idCard) {
int iAge = 0;
if (idCard.length() == CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
idCard = conver15CardTo18(idCard);
String year = idCard.substring(6, 10);
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int iCurrYear = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
iAge = iCurrYear - Integer.valueOf(year);
return iAge;
} /**
* 根据身份编号获取生日
* @param idCard 身份编号
* @return 生日(yyyyMMdd)
public static String getBirthByIdCard(String idCard) {
Integer len = idCard.length();
if (len < CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
return null;
} else if (len == CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
idCard = conver15CardTo18(idCard);
return idCard.substring(6, 14);
} /**
* 根据身份编号获取生日年
* @param idCard 身份编号
* @return 生日(yyyy)
public static Short getYearByIdCard(String idCard) {
Integer len = idCard.length();
if (len < CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
return null;
} else if (len == CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
idCard = conver15CardTo18(idCard);
return Short.valueOf(idCard.substring(6, 10));
} /**
* 根据身份编号获取生日月
* @param idCard 身份编号
* @return 生日(MM)
public static Short getMonthByIdCard(String idCard) {
Integer len = idCard.length();
if (len < CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
return null;
} else if (len == CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
idCard = conver15CardTo18(idCard);
return Short.valueOf(idCard.substring(10, 12));
} /**
* 根据身份编号获取生日天
* @param idCard 身份编号
* @return 生日(dd)
public static Short getDateByIdCard(String idCard) {
Integer len = idCard.length();
if (len < CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
return null;
} else if (len == CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
idCard = conver15CardTo18(idCard);
return Short.valueOf(idCard.substring(12, 14));
} /**
* 根据身份编号获取性别
* @param idCard 身份编号
* @return 性别(M-男,F-女,N-未知)
public static String getGenderByIdCard(String idCard) {
String sGender = "N";
if (idCard.length() == CHINA_ID_MIN_LENGTH) {
idCard = conver15CardTo18(idCard);
String sCardNum = idCard.substring(16, 17);
if (Integer.parseInt(sCardNum) % 2 != 0) {
sGender = "M";
} else {
sGender = "F";
return sGender;
} /**
* 根据身份编号获取户籍省份
* @param idCard 身份编码
* @return 省级编码。
public static String getProvinceByIdCard(String idCard) {
int len = idCard.length();
String sProvince = null;
String sProvinNum = "";
sProvinNum = idCard.substring(0, 2);
sProvince = cityCodes.get(sProvinNum);
return sProvince;
} /**
* 数字验证
* @param val
* @return 提取的数字。
public static boolean isNum(String val) {
return val == null || "".equals(val) ? false : val.matches("^[0-9]*{1}");
} /**
* 验证小于当前日期 是否有效
* @param iYear 待验证日期(年)
* @param iMonth 待验证日期(月 1-12)
* @param iDate 待验证日期(日)
* @return 是否有效
public static boolean valiDate(int iYear, int iMonth, int iDate) {
Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
int datePerMonth;
if (iYear < MIN || iYear >= year) {
return false;
if (iMonth < 1 || iMonth > 12) {
return false;
switch (iMonth) {
case 4:
case 6:
case 9:
case 11:
datePerMonth = 30;
case 2:
boolean dm = ( ( iYear % 4 == 0 && iYear % 100 != 0 ) || ( iYear % 400 == 0 ) ) && ( iYear > MIN && iYear < year );
datePerMonth = dm ? 29 : 28;
datePerMonth = 31;
return ( iDate >= 1 ) && ( iDate <= datePerMonth );
} /**
* 根据身份证号,自动获取对应的星座
* @param idCard 身份证号码
* @return 星座
public static String getConstellationById(String idCard) {
if (!validateCard(idCard)) {
return "";
int month = IdCardUtils.getMonthByIdCard(idCard);
int day = IdCardUtils.getDateByIdCard(idCard);
String strValue = ""; if ( ( month == 1 && day >= 20 ) || ( month == 2 && day <= 18 )) {
strValue = "水瓶座";
} else if ( ( month == 2 && day >= 19 ) || ( month == 3 && day <= 20 )) {
strValue = "双鱼座";
} else if ( ( month == 3 && day > 20 ) || ( month == 4 && day <= 19 )) {
strValue = "白羊座";
} else if ( ( month == 4 && day >= 20 ) || ( month == 5 && day <= 20 )) {
strValue = "金牛座";
} else if ( ( month == 5 && day >= 21 ) || ( month == 6 && day <= 21 )) {
strValue = "双子座";
} else if ( ( month == 6 && day > 21 ) || ( month == 7 && day <= 22 )) {
strValue = "巨蟹座";
} else if ( ( month == 7 && day > 22 ) || ( month == 8 && day <= 22 )) {
strValue = "狮子座";
} else if ( ( month == 8 && day >= 23 ) || ( month == 9 && day <= 22 )) {
strValue = "处女座";
} else if ( ( month == 9 && day >= 23 ) || ( month == 10 && day <= 23 )) {
strValue = "天秤座";
} else if ( ( month == 10 && day > 23 ) || ( month == 11 && day <= 22 )) {
strValue = "天蝎座";
} else if ( ( month == 11 && day > 22 ) || ( month == 12 && day <= 21 )) {
strValue = "射手座";
} else if ( ( month == 12 && day > 21 ) || ( month == 1 && day <= 19 )) {
strValue = "魔羯座";
} return strValue;
} /**
* 根据身份证号,自动获取对应的生肖
* @param idCard 身份证号码
* @return 生肖
public static String getZodiacById(String idCard) { // 根据身份证号,自动返回对应的生肖
if (!validateCard(idCard)) {
return "";
String[] sSX = { "猪", "鼠", "牛", "虎", "兔", "龙", "蛇", "马", "羊", "猴", "鸡", "狗" };
int year = IdCardUtils.getYearByIdCard(idCard);
int end = 3;
int x = ( year - end ) % 12;
String retValue = "";
retValue = sSX[x]; return retValue;
} /**
* 根据身份证号,自动获取对应的天干地支
* @param idCard 身份证号码
* @return 天干地支
public static String getChineseEraById(String idCard) { // 根据身份证号,自动返回对应的生肖
if (!validateCard(idCard)) {
return "";
String[] sTG = { "癸", "甲", "乙", "丙", "丁", "戊", "己", "庚", "辛", "任" };
String[] sDZ = { "亥", "子", "丑", "寅", "卯", "辰", "巳", "午", "未", "申", "酉", "戌" }; int year = IdCardUtils.getYearByIdCard(idCard);
int i = ( year - 3 ) % 10;
int j = ( year - 3 ) % 12; String retValue = "";
retValue = sTG[i] + sDZ[j]; return retValue;
} /**
* Test for Jason
public static void main(String[] args) {
String idCard = "430601199411151234";
//M 19941115 11 15 天蝎座 狗 甲戌 湖南


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