
I am trying to perform a query to retrieve all paths between two nodes a and b in which all the paths there is a relationship property fulfilled.

I have tried in many ways but I am not able to success.

MATCH p=(o{value:"a"})-[r*]-(x{value:"b"}) where has(r.property) and r.property="foo" return p

relationship part i have changed to [r*..] and many other options but not working

The function shortestpath does not help me because I want not only the shortest but all the possibilities.

Can someone help me or tell me which is the error in the query?

Thank you in advance.


What you're looking for is the ALL predicate on the relationships collection of the path :

MATCH p=(o{value:"a"})-[r*]-(x{value:"b"})
WHERE ALL(x IN rels(p) WHERE x.property = "foo")

And please use labels !



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