

Q:多周期路径中的检查保持时间时刻,为什么默认是在建立时间检查的前一个cycle?请大家谈谈自己的理解。 如:Set_multicycle_path -setup 7 -to [whatever] 那么hold time 应该在7-1这个cycle检查,为什么?


set_multicycle_path -setup 7 -to [whatever]

set_multicycle_path -setup 7 -to [clk]
set_multicycle_path -hold 6 -to [get_pins C_reg /D]
那么此时的保持时间检查就在Th时,而不是在60+Th时,而此时的arrival time的范围就变大了

set_multicycle_path -setup 7 -to [clk]
set_multicycle_path -hold 6 -to [get_pins C_reg/D]


set_multicycle_path -setup 7 -to [clk]
你又必须保证path_delay足够大,不会产生hold-time violation,DC几乎不可能做到这一点。

加register-enabling logic解决亚稳态

你写了set_multicycle_path -setup 7 -to [clk]之后,dc何pt默认set_multicycle_path -hold 0 -to [get_pins C_reg/D],如果你不写set_multicycle_path -hold 6 -to [get_pins C_reg/D]
其他的Harva 说得很详细了。
如richardhuang1 所说,加使能,在该采的时钟周期采数据。

Harva 和handsome说得很精彩,我帖一个synopsys的解释,大家共同学习.
set_multicycle_path and hold checks


I have a path that is set as multicycle path for the setup check. For some
reason, PrimeTime seems to be treating it as a multicycle path for hold time
checking as well. I'm using:

set_multicycle_path -setup 7 -to [whatever]

Why are the hold time checks multicycle?


By default, if you specify 'set_multicycle_path -setup X', PrimeTime and
Design Compiler assume the datapath could change during any clock before
clock edge number X. To deal with this situation, PrimeTime and Design
Compiler implicitly add 'set_multicycle_path -hold 0 -to [whatever]'. This
positions the hold check one clock cycle before the setup check, effectively
constraining the path delay to be between X-1 and X clock cycles, or in
equation form:

X-1 cycles + T_hold < path delay (min)
                     path delay (max) < X cycles - T_setup

So by default the tools assume you want the path buffered up so that the
minimum change is > X-1 cycles.

This may not be the desired behavior. You can move the hold check back
towards the start of the multicycle period by specifying:

set_multicycle_path -hold X-1 -to [whatever]

In the above example, add

set_multicycle_path -hold 6 -to [whatever]

to the constraints and the hold check should occur on the desired edge. Note
that moving this check back requires the designer to handle possible
metastability. If the endpoint is a multi-bit signal, then you may need
to generate register-enabling logic to avoid clocking data before all of
it is valid.


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