Given a binary tree with the following rules:
root.val == 0
If treeNode.val == x and treeNode.left != null, then treeNode.left.val == 2 * x + 1
If treeNode.val == x and treeNode.right != null, then treeNode.right.val == 2 * x + 2
Now the binary tree is contaminated, which means all treeNode.val have been changed to -1.
You need to first recover the binary tree and then implement the FindElements class:
FindElements(TreeNode* root) Initializes the object with a contamined binary tree, you need to recover it first.
bool find(int target) Return if the target value exists in the recovered binary tree.
Example 1:
FindElements findElements = new FindElements([-1,null,-1]);
findElements.find(1); // return False
findElements.find(2); // return True
Example 2:
FindElements findElements = new FindElements([-1,-1,-1,-1,-1]);
findElements.find(1); // return True
findElements.find(3); // return True
findElements.find(5); // return False
Example 3:
FindElements findElements = new FindElements([-1,null,-1,-1,null,-1]);
findElements.find(2); // return True
findElements.find(3); // return False
findElements.find(4); // return False
findElements.find(5); // return True
class TreeNode:
def __init__(self, x):
self.val = x
self.left = None
self.right = None class FindElements:
def __init__(self, root):
self.array = [] # !!!保存结点出现的值,注意self. 私有成员
if root != None: # 调用递归函数
self.recover_tree(root, 0)
def recover_tree(self, root, v): # 递归调用
root.val = v
if root.left != None:
self.recover_tree(root.left, 2 * v + 1)
if root.right != None:
self.recover_tree(root.right, 2 * v + 2)
def find(self, target: int) -> bool:
return target in self.array # 再结果数组里找


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