Error: Error performing query operation

Error Message

Querying a layer from a Map Service that returns an extremely large response fails and returns the following error message:

"Error performing query operation."


The result set from the query is larger than 64 MB.

Solution or Workaround

The heap size controls the maximum file size that can be sent to and from the GIS server. By default, the application server is set to 256 MB and the SOC maximum is set to 64 MB. If there are services that users query with result sets in excess of 64MB, the maximum SOC heap size must be increased.

1. In a web browser, navigate to:


2. Log in to the ArcGIS Server Administrator Directory with an administrators account.

user the name as arcgis server manager

3. Click machines.

4. Click the link <Your Server Name>.<domain>.com. For example, a link may appear as

 5. On the Server Machine Properties page, click the edit link.

 6. Increase the value of SOC maximum heap size (in MB).

 7. Click the Save Edits button to finish editing.

 8. Perform these steps on all GIS servers that participate in the cluster.


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