
1. ConcurrentLinkedQueue在java.util.concurrent包中(java 版本是1.7.0_71),类间继承关系如下:

public class ConcurrentLinkedQueue<E> extends AbstractQueue<E>
implements Queue<E>, java.io.Serializable



package java.util;

public interface Queue<E> extends Collection<E> {

    // 向队列中插入元素e,不验证队列空间限制条件下插入一个元素。如果队列有剩余空间,直接插入;如果队列满了,就抛出IllegalStateException异常
boolean add(E e); // 同样是向队列中插入元素e。如果队列有空间限制,同add;如果队列没有空间限制,比如ConcurrentLinkedQueue,总是可以插入进去
boolean offer(E e); // 返回并删除队列头部的第一个元素,remove()与poll()方法的不同在于,如果队列为空,remove()方法会抛出异常,而poll()方法是返回null
E remove(); // 返回并删除队列头部的第一元素,如果队列空,返回null
E poll(); // 返回但是不删除队头元素,element()方法与peek()方法的不同在于,如果队列为空,element()方法会抛出NoSuchElementException,而peek()方法返回null
E element(); // 返回队头元素,如果队列为空,返回null
E peek();


2. ConcurrentLinkedQueue是什么?


    private static class Node<E> {
volatile E item;
volatile Node<E> next;



// 头结点,所有后继节点都可以从head开始,使用succ()方法访问到
* A node from which the first live (non-deleted) node (if any)
* can be reached in O(1) time.
* Invariants:
* - all live nodes are reachable from head via succ()
* - head != null
* - (tmp = head).next != tmp || tmp != head
* Non-invariants:
* - head.item may or may not be null.
* - it is permitted for tail to lag behind head, that is, for tail
* to not be reachable from head!
private transient volatile Node<E> head;
// 尾节点,
* A node from which the last node on list (that is, the unique
* node with node.next == null) can be reached in O(1) time.
* Invariants:
* - the last node is always reachable from tail via succ()
* - tail != null
* Non-invariants:
* - tail.item may or may not be null.
* - it is permitted for tail to lag behind head, that is, for tail
* to not be reachable from head!
* - tail.next may or may not be self-pointing to tail.
private transient volatile Node<E> tail;



    // succ()方法是返回节点p的后继节点。如果节点p的后继节点指向自己,则返回头结点。这种情况是如何发生的?(节点p已经不在链表中了?)
final Node<E> succ(Node<E> p) {
Node<E> next = p.next;
return (p == next) ? head : next;


(1). size(), 求队列大小

    // 返回队列中元素个数,可以看到元素个数是int类型, 如果元素个数超过了Integer.MAX_VALUE的话,也只能返回Integer.MAX_VALUE
// 另外,这个方法返回的值是不精确的。
public int size() {
int count = 0;
// 从第一个节点开始遍历,如果节点不为null,统计节点个数,然后使用succ()方法获取下一个节点
for (Node<E> p = first(); p != null; p = succ(p))
if (p.item != null)
// Collection.size() spec says to max out
if (++count == Integer.MAX_VALUE)
return count;


(2). contains()方法中succ()的用法与求队列大小类似

    public boolean contains(Object o) {
if (o == null) return false;
for (Node<E> p = first(); p != null; p = succ(p)) {
E item = p.item;
if (item != null && o.equals(item))
return true;
return false;


3. ConcurrentLinkedQueue的构造函数为:

    public ConcurrentLinkedQueue() {
head = tail = new Node<E>(null);



// 插入元素到队尾
public boolean offer(E e) {
// 检查元素e是否为null,如果为null,抛出NullPointerException
// 创建新节点newNode
final java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue.Node<E>
newNode = new java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue.Node<E>(e);
// 首先赋值tail给t (t = tail),赋值t给p (p = t)
// 然后执行死循环for(;;)
for (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue.Node<E> t = tail, p = t;;) {
// 将p的next赋值给q, p.next -> q
java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue.Node<E> q = p.next;
// 如果q为null,表示p是尾节点
if (q == null) {
// p是尾节点,将新节点newNode赋值给p的next,p.next -> e(newNode)
// 这个赋值过程是使用CAS来实现的,CAS比较并交换,意思就是如果newNode != null,则交换他们
if (p.casNext(null, newNode)) {
// 如果p != t,即p != t = tail,表示t(= tail)不是尾节点
if (p != t)
// 将t置为尾节点,该操作允许失败,因此t(= tail)并不总是尾节点
// 因此需要执行for(;;),先找到尾节点
casTail(t, newNode); // Failure is OK.
return true;
// Lost CAS race to another thread; re-read next
else if (p == q)
// 如果p == q, 说明尾节点tail已经不在链表中了,
// 这种情况下,跳转到head,因为从head开始所有的节点都可达
p = (t != (t = tail)) ? t : head;
// 如果p == q且q == null,p指向q,即p跳转到下一个元素
p = (p != t && t != (t = tail)) ? t : q;


public E poll() {
// 跳出for(;;)循环的标志位
for (;;) {
// 首先赋值head给h (h = head),赋值h给p (p = h),并定义变量q
// 然后执行死循环for(;;)
for (java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue.Node<E> h = head, p = h, q;;) {
// 获取p的元素值,即头节点的元素值
E item = p.item;
// 如果元素值不为null,并将p的元素置null
// casItem(item, null)意思是如果item != null,则交换两者
// 交换之后,item就从队列中被移除了
if (item != null && p.casItem(item, null)) {
if (p != h) // 如果p不是指向h (head),更新head的值
updateHead(h, ((q = p.next) != null) ? q : p);
return item;
else if ((q = p.next) == null) { // 说明元素为空
updateHead(h, p);
return null;
else if (p == q)
continue restartFromHead;
p = q;

4. 生产者消费者使用ConcurrentLinkedQueue

import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue;

public class ProducerAndConsumer {
private static ConcurrentLinkedQueue queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue(); static class Producer extends Thread {
String name; public Producer(String name) {
this.name = name;
} public void run() {
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
System.out.println(name + " : " + i);
try {
Thread.sleep(1 * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} static class Consumer extends Thread {
String name; public Consumer(String name) {
this.name = name;
} public void run() {
for (;;) {
Object item = queue.poll();
System.out.println(name + " : " + item);
try {
Thread.sleep(1 * 1000);
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} public static void main(String[] args) {
new Producer("p1").start();
new Producer("p2").start();
new Consumer("c1").start();
// new Consumer("c2").start();



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