Title: Weekend 'catch-up sheep' is a lie

  catch-up n.补做;赶做  play catch-up 通过追赶,达到同样的水平或程度  catch-up sleep 补觉

The negative health effects of skimping on sleep during the week can't be reversed by marathon weekend sleep sessions, according to  a sobering new study.

  negative adj.消极的,否认的; [数] 负的; [心] 反抗性的; 无预期结果的;  negative effect 消极的影响

  skimp v. 节俭,节约;吝啬 => (近义词) save  skimping on sleep 克扣睡眠

  be reversed by 扭转

  marathon adj.马拉松式的  marathon n.马拉松赛跑;马拉松式的活动或工作  full marathon 全程马拉松  half marathon 半程马拉松

  session n.开会,会议; (法庭的) 开庭; 会期,学期; (进行某活动连续的) 一段时间;

  sobering adj.令人警醒的,使人冷静的  sober adj.严肃的;冷静的 

    eg.  a sobering experience 令人警醒的经历  a sobering thought 发人深省的思想

Despite(此处转折) complete freedom to sleep in and nap during a weekend recovery period, participants in a sleep laboratory who were limited to five hours of sleep on weekdays gained nearly three pounds over two weeks and experienced metabolic disruption(代谢紊乱) that would increase their risk for diabetes over the long term. While weekend recovery sleep had some benefits after a single week of insufficient sleep, those gains(名词,指上文中的好处) were wiped out when people plunged right(立即,马上) back into their same sleep-deprived schedule the next Monday.

   despite A participants  B and C

  despite  prep.不管; 虽有; 尽管(自己)不愿意; 不在乎;  n.侮辱; 憎恨; 怨恨; 轻蔑的拒绝或不承认;

  complete freedom 完全的自由

  sleep in (固定搭配) 睡懒觉  此处的 in 不是介词,而是副词

  nap n.打盹

  recovery  n.恢复,复原; 重获; 痊愈; 矫正;

  period  n.时期; (一段) 时间; 学时; 句号;  adj.具有某个时代特征的; (关于) 过去某一特定历史时期的; (家具、服饰、建筑等) 某一时代的;

    eg.  recovery period 恢复期

  participant (参与者)  n.参加者,参与者; 与会代表; 参与国; 关系者  adj.参加的,有关系的

  laboratory n.实验室; 实验课; 研究室; 药厂

  be limited to sth 表示被限制在某种条件之下

  gain vt.获得; 赢得; 增加; (钟、表) 走快  n.利润; [土木工程] 腰槽; 获益; vt.(在…上) 开腰槽; 吸引; (通过努力) 到达; 推进(一段距离);

  pound n.磅; 英镑; 兽栏; 重击声;

  experienced  adj.有阅历的; 有见识的; 老练的,熟练的; 有经验的,有丰富经验的;  experience 的过去式和过去分词

  metabolic adj.代谢的,新陈代谢的  metabolish n.新陈代谢

  disruption 中断带来的混乱和崩溃 dis- 分崩离析的感觉  

  diabetes  n.糖尿病

  term n.术语; 期限; 学期; 条款;  vt.把…称为; 把…叫做;

  benefit n.利益,好处; 救济金,津贴; 义演,义卖; 恩惠,恩泽;  vt.有益于,有助于; 使受益; 得益,受益

  insufficient adj.不足的,不够的; 绌; 亏短; 支绌

  wipe sth out 清除,抹掉

  plunge into (固定搭配) 经历,陷入(不快的事)  => (近义词) drop

  sleep-deprived adj.睡眠不足的  deprived adj.短缺的;匮乏的  humour-deprived 缺乏幽默的

"If there are benefits of catch-up sleep, they're gone when you go back to your routine. It's very short-lived." said Kenneth Wright, director of the sleep and chronobiology laboratory at the University of Colorado at Boulder, who oversaw the work.

  if 条件句  

  routine n.常规; 例行程序; 生活乏味; (演出中的) 一套动作;  adj.常规的; 例行的; 日常的; 普通的;

  director n.导演; 主管,主任; 董事,理事; 负责人,监督者;

  chronobiology n.时间生物学,生物钟学

  oversee v.监督;管理 (过去式) oversaw  (同义词)  supervise

  short-lived 短暂的  

Wright said that the study suggests people should prioritize sleep——cutting out the optional "sleep stealers" such as watching television shows or spending time on electronic devices. Even when people don't have a choice about losing sleep due to child-care responsibilities or job schedules(工作安排), they should think about prioritizing sleep in the same way they would a healthy diet(健康的饮食) or exercise.

  suggest that someone should do sth  建议某人应该做什么  表示建议

  prioritize v.确定(事项的)优先次序;优先考虑  prior adj.优先的

    eg.  We must learn to prioritize our work 我们必须学会在工作中确定事情的轻重缓急

  cute out  减少,削减 相当于 reduce

  optional 可选择的

  stealers 偷窃者

  television n.电视节目; 电视,电视机; 电视业

  responsibility n.责任; 职责; 负责任; 责任感,责任心

  exercise n/vi/vt.练习; 运动,训练; 运用; 典礼;

  even when 即使,即便




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