list1 = [
{'eip': 60, 'day': '2014-7-5'},
{'etans': 96, 'day': '2014-7-5'},
{'etans': 30, 'day': '2014-4-6'},
{'eip': 100, 'day': '2014-4-6'},
] # 利用切片和zip函数,将list中的字典两辆组合成一个元组
list_temp = zip(list1[0::2], list1[1::2])
list_tuple = list(list_temp)
print(list_tuple) # 设置一个新的list容器list2,装新产生的复合日期相同,合并后的字典。
list2 = []
for tuple in list_tuple:
if tuple[0]['day'] == tuple[1]['day']:
dict_hebing = dict(tuple[0], **tuple[1])
# print(dict_hebing)




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