Ajax (also AJAX/ˈeɪdʒæks/; short for asynchronous JavaScript and XML)[1][2][3] is a set of web development techniques using many web technologies on the client-side to create asynchronous Web applications. With Ajax, web applications can send data to and retrieve from a server asynchronously (in the background) without interfering with the display and behavior of the existing page. By decoupling the data interchange layer from the presentation layer, Ajax allows for web pages, and by extension web applications, to change content dynamically without the need to reload the entire page.[4] In practice, modern implementations commonly substituteJSON for XML due to the advantages of being native to JavaScript.[5]


这可以用异步加载来解决。1995年,JAVA语言的第一版发布,随之发布的的Java applets(JAVA小程序)首次实现了异步加载。浏览器通过运行嵌入网页中的Java applets与服务器交换数据,不必刷新网页。1996年,Internet Explorer将iframe元素加入到HTML,支持局部刷新网页。

To minimize download time, applets can be delivered in the form of a jar file. In the case of this example, if all necessary classes are placed in the compressed archive example.jar, the following embedding code could be used instead:

Here it is:
<applet archive="example.jar" code="HelloWorld" height="40" width="200">
This is where HelloWorld.class runs.


  1. js 中histroy.back()与history.go()的区别
  2. 分布式平台Spark环境的搭建
  3. mark元素
  4. cJSON应用举例
  5. HDU 5823 (状压dp)
  6. MariaDB Galera Cluster 部署(如何快速部署 MariaDB 集群)
  7. PL/pgSQL学习笔记之七
  8. (火炬)MS SQL Server数据库案例教程
  9. linux下mysql命令
  10. 数据结构(Splay平衡树):HAOI2008 排名系统
  11. MyISAM与InnoDB的区别
  12. MSXML insertBefore(IXMLDOMNode *newChild, VARIANT refChild) 传参
  13. 迁移学习-Transfer Learning
  14. Spring MVC 使用介绍(八)—— 类型转换
  15. Spring使用事务增加的注解实现方
  16. 转 Multiple outputs from T4 made easy t4生成多文件
  17. C# NPOI 日期格式
  18. 前端MVC Vue2学习总结(八)——Vue Router路由、Vuex状态管理、Element-UI
  19. myeclipse编写servlet
  20. poj 3624 &amp;&amp; hdu 2955(背包入门)


  1. NFS 常见报错
  2. Linux 上安装oracle客户端
  3. nginx优化 实现10万并发访问量
  4. 有了Auto Layout,为什么你还是害怕写UITabelView的自适应布局?
  5. 适配器模式(PHP实现)
  6. OpenCV——识别各省份地图轮廓
  7. Host &#39;; is not allowed to connect to this MySQL server
  8. 【大数据系列】节点的退役和服役[datanode,yarn]
  9. Javascript 细节优化技巧(转)
  10. Window 命令行神器:cmder