0 QE will begin test the product when system is stable. so they may log a lot of issues, and our daily work may focus on fixing these issues, and slow down the developing progress. we need to find the causes and fix issues in limited time.  How to improve the efficiency ? I think there are some rules according my experience. I will list bellow:

1 not afraid the issue. this is the most important rule. we are programers, so we need to believe that issue will always come out. It just like one eat and one also shit. be confident.

2 no hurry.  don't throw yourself into a deap water before you make sure you lost something in the water.  always check whether we can reproduce the issue first. some one may already fix it for you. so update view first.

3 still no hurry. now you find that the issue still exists. so we have to face the ugly guy.  anylysis first. try to guess which may cause that problem.

4 fight with the gloves off.  try your best to debug

5 find clue from version tree


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