use msdb
go --if object_id('tempdb..#SqlAgentJob') is not null
-- drop table #SqlAgentJob
--go declare @SqlAgentJob table(
[job_id] uniqueidentifier
,[originating_server] nvarchar(30)
,[name] sysname null
,[enabled] tinyint
,[description] nvarchar(512)
,[start_step_id] int
,[category] sysname null
,[owner] sysname null
,[notify_level_eventlog] int
,[notify_level_email] int
,[notify_level_netsend] int
,[notify_level_page] int
,[notify_email_operator] sysname null
,[notify_netsend_operator] sysname null
,[notify_page_operator] sysname null
,[delete_level] int
,[date_created] datetime
,[date_modified] datetime
,[version_number] int
,[last_run_date] int
,[last_run_time] int
,[last_run_outcome] int
,[next_run_date] int
,[next_run_time] int
,[next_run_schedule_id] int
,[current_execution_status] int
,[current_execution_step] sysname null
,[current_retry_attempt] int
,[has_step] int
,[has_schedule] int
,[has_target] int
,[type] int
) --go INSERT INTO @SqlAgentJob
EXECUTE sp_help_job --最主要的是研究这个,后面还会继续研究与此相关的几个系统存储过程 在 msdb库中 --select * from @SqlAgentJob select * from @SqlAgentJob where name like '%humana%'
-- and isnull([owner],'')='' and enabled=1


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