
医药统计项目联系:QQ :231469242

sensitivity 敏感性:患病且检测阳性概率


ppv(positive predict value)阳性预测值:指机器检查后,患病概率多高,这和疾病流行程度有关

npv(negative predict value)阴性预测值:指机器检查后,非患病概率多高,这和疾病流行程度有关













For example, pregnancy tests have a high sensitivity: when a woman is pregnant,
the probability that the test is positive is very high.
In contrast, an indicator for an attack with atomic weapons on the White House
should have a very high specificity: if there is no attack, the probability that the
indicator is positive should be very, very small.
While sensitivity and specificity characterize a test and are independent of
prevalence, they do not indicate what portion of patients with abnormal test results
are truly abnormal. This information is provided by the positive/negative predictive
value (PPV/NPV). These are the values relevant for a doctor diagnosing a patient:
when a patient has a positive test result, how likely is it that the patient is in fact sick?
Unfortunately, as Fig. 7.8 indicates, these values are affected by the prevalence of the
disease. The prevalence of a disease indicates how many out of 100,000 people are
affected by it; in contrast, the incidence gives the number of newly diagnosed cases
per 100,000 people. In summary, we need to know the prevalence of the disease as
well as the PPV/NPV of a test to provide a sensible interpretation of medical test
Take for example a test where a positive test results implies a 50% chance
of having a certain medical condition. If half the population has this condition,
a positive test result tells the doctor nothing. But if the condition is very rare, a
positive test result indicates that the patient has a fifty–fifty chance of having this
rare condition—a piece of information that is very valuable.
Figure 7.8 shows how the prevalence of a disease affects the interpretation
of diagnostic results, with a test with a given specificity and sensitivity: a high
prevalence of the disease increases the PPV of the test, but decreases the NPV;
and a low prevalence does exactly the opposite. Figure 7.9 gives a worked example.




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