After getting to much requests for a free Oracle Forms and Reports project for students, I am sharing a project with source code (Oracle Forms example application), which I developed in around 2000 in Oracle Forms 4.5, but you can download it and can use in Forms 6i, 10g and 11g. Download the project with following button:

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It is a Job Placement package in which user enters the details of the employer requirement for the job and enters the details of candidate profile and it gives the output through reports of matching profiles, below are the screen shots:

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When you will extract the zip file, you will find Fmbs and RDFs in Folder named Modern and there is a sub folder Database in which you will find database dump file Modern.dmp and Schema_Script.sql, by any of it you can import the database contents.

You can simply execute the Schema_Script.sql to install the database tables in any schema. Thanks.


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