2014-03-20 02:29

题目:将质因数只有3, 5, 7的正整数从小到大排列,找出其中第K个。

解法:用三个iterator指向3, 5, 7,每次将对应位置的数分别乘以3, 5, 7,取三者中最小的数作为生成的下一个结果。可以一次性生成整个序列,因为这个序列一般不会很长,增长率是指数级的。


 // 7.7 Find the kth number that has no prime factors other than 3, 5 or 7.
#include <algorithm>
#include <cstdio>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; int main()
vector<int> v;
int n = ;
int p3, p5, p7;
int res3, res5, res7;
int min_res;
const int MAX = ; v.push_back();
p3 = p5 = p7 = ;
while (true) {
res3 = v[p3] * ;
res5 = v[p5] * ;
res7 = v[p7] * ;
min_res = min(res3, min(res5, res7));
if (min_res > MAX) {
if (res3 == min_res) {
if (res5 == min_res) {
if (res7 == min_res) {
printf("count = %u\n", v.size()); while (scanf("%d", &n) == ) {
if (n < || n >= (int)v.size()) {
printf("Out of range.\n");
} else {
printf("%d\n", v[n]);
} return ;


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