1、POM 文件:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/POM/4.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/maven-4.0.0.xsd">
<modelVersion>4.0.0</modelVersion> <groupId>zhongan</groupId>
<version>1.0-SNAPSHOT</version> <properties>
</properties> <build>
<!-- Optional plugins for using Spock -->
<!-- Only required if names of spec classes don't match default Surefire patterns (`*Test` etc.) -->
<!-- Mandatory plugins for using Spock -->
<!-- The gmavenplus plugin is used to compile Groovy code. To learn more about this plugin,
visit https://github.com/groovy/GMavenPlus/wiki -->
</plugin> <plugin>
<!-- Only required for spock-example build -->
<!--</plugin>--> <!-- 用mvn ant生成格式更友好的report -->
<artifactId>maven-antrun-extended-plugin</artifactId> <!-- //////////// -->
<phase>test</phase> <!-- //////////// -->
<junitreport todir="${basedir}/target/surefire-reports">
<fileset dir="${basedir}/target/surefire-reports">
<include name="**/*.xml" />
<report format="frames" todir="${basedir}/target/surefire-reports" /> <!-- //////////// -->
</build> <dependencies>
<!-- Mandatory dependencies for using Spock -->
<!-- Optional dependencies for using Spock -->
<dependency> <!-- use a specific Groovy version rather than the one specified by spock-core -->
<dependency> <!-- enables mocking of classes (in addition to interfaces) -->
<dependency> <!-- enables mocking of classes without default constructor (together with CGLIB) -->
<dependency> <!-- only required if Hamcrest matchers are used -->
<dependency> <!--mysql 数据库 driver jar-->
</dependency> <!-- Spring jar-->
</dependency> <dependency>
</dependency> <!--读取Excel-->
</dependency> <!--Json-->
</dependency> <dependency>
</dependency> <!-- guava -->
<!-- Joda Time--> <dependency>
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/javassist/javassist -->
<!--&lt;!&ndash; this avoids affecting your version of Groovy/Spock &ndash;&gt;-->
<!--</dependency>--> <!-- // if you don't already have slf4j-api and an implementation of it in the classpath, add this! -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/junit/junit -->
<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.apache.ant/ant-trax -->
</dependency> </dependencies> <repositories>
<!-- Only required if a snapshot version of Spock is used -->
</repositories> <!-- Only required in spock-example build -->
</project> 2、测试类父类:继承Specification 初始化数据库,cookie等
package themis

import com.github.restdriver.serverdriver.RestServerDriver
import commons.CommonUtil
import spock.lang.Shared
import spock.lang.Specification /**
* 测试类-基类
* (添加了几个db连接的static属性)
* Created by lyh2015 on 16/7/13.
class BaseSpockTest extends Specification {
@Shared static themis_db = CommonUtil.getSqlInstanceOfthemisdb()
@Shared static cookie = collection.version.Common.getcookie(Common.loginurl,Common.loginparam)
@Shared header_cookie = RestServerDriver.header("Cookie",cookie)
} 3、测试类,继承基础父类
package themis.shenpijieguo

import spock.lang.Unroll
import themis.BaseSpockTest
import themis.Common class applygetApplyDetailInputSpec extends BaseSpockTest { def setupSpec() {
//TODO: 设置每个测试类的环境
def setup() {
//TODO: 设置每个测试方法的环境,每个测试方法执行一次
} @Unroll("该case验证接口url=#url,入参applyId=#applyId,ruleId=#ruleId")
def "测试方法1"() {
given: "清理脏数据"
// handleOk &= themis_db.execute('''delete from case_operation_records where id=?''',id);
// and: "添加测试数据"
// handleOk &= themis_db.execute('''delete from case_operation_records where id=?''',id);
println("themis_db:" + themis_db.getConnection().getMetaPropertyValues().toString())
and: "实际值"
def paramStr=""
HashMap paramMap = new HashMap();
paramMap.put("applyId",applyId) Set keySets=paramMap.keySet()
for (String keyName:keySets){
if (paramMap.get(keyName)!=""){
paramStr=paramStr.substring(1, paramStr.length())
def reponse = Common.PostUrl(url,paramStr, header_cookie)
// def content = reponse.getContent()
def jsonNodes=reponse.asJson()
println("paramStr:" + paramStr)
println("reponse:" + reponse)
println("jsonNodes:" + jsonNodes)
def r_status = reponse.getStatusCode()
def r_success=jsonNodes.get("success").asText()
def r_errorMsg=jsonNodes.get("errorMsg").asText()
def r_errorCode=jsonNodes.get("errorCode").asText()
def r_attributes=jsonNodes.get("attributes").asText()
def r_attributesJson=jsonNodes.get("attributesJson").asText()
def r_exception=jsonNodes.get("exception").asText() and: "预期值"
expect: "随处可用的断言"
r_status==200&&r_success=="true"&&r_errorMsg==""&&r_errorCode==""&&r_attributes=="null"&&r_attributesJson=="null"&&r_exception=="null" where: "不是必需的测试数据"
index | applyId|ruleId| url
1 | 10975001|2230012|Common.hostUrl+"/apply/getApplyDetailInput.json"
} def cleanup() {
//TODO: 清理每个测试方法的环境,每个测试方法执行一次
} def cleanupSepc() {
//TODO: 清理每个测试类的环境
} 4、用例执行:
1)使用Junit suite执行:
package themis;

import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.Suite;
import org.junit.runners.Suite.SuiteClasses;
import themis.shenpijieguo.applydetailSearchByReportSpec;
import themis.shenpijieguo.applydetailSearchSpec; @RunWith(Suite.class)
public class JunitTestSuites {
} 2)使用maven-surefire-plugin,maven-surefire-report-plugin执行 a、在pom文件中的surefire插件中指定运行的测试类,执行命令mvn clean test时在\target\surefire-reports生成xml和TXT结果文件。
b、mvn surefire-report:report时,生成\target\site\surefire-report.html结果文件

b、使用命令mvn clean test ,生成\target\surefire-reports\index.html结果文件



  1. Java基础相关总结
  2. V​S​2​0​1​2​快​捷​键
  3. JQuery移除事件
  4. OTP【转】
  5. uc/os学习入门:在32位pc机上搭建编译环境
  6. spring事务注解
  7. [AngularJS] Default Child state and nav between child state
  8. Ext Sencha Cmd 6 环境安装
  9. Quartz集成springMVC 的方案二(持久化任务、集群和分布式)
  10. 推荐几个常用的jquery ui 框架
  11. 自学HTML5第四节(canvas画布详解)
  12. Unity3D游戏开发之连续滚动背景
  13. javascript alert,confirm,prompt弹框用法
  14. Selenium常规操作---基于python
  15. IE6常见CSS解析Bug及hack
  16. 用JAVA自己画一张二维码
  17. [Swift]LeetCode152. 乘积最大子序列 | Maximum Product Subarray
  18. C# 解析html中筛选class的问题
  19. 简述我理解的C#
  20. Lombok轮子


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  2. DELPHI数组,指针,字符串转换的例子
  3. 《Java编程思想》笔记 第三章 操作符
  4. 关闭浏览器session就被干掉的假象的问题
  5. pycurl mac 安装报错Curl is configured to use SSL,
  6. codeforces Round #440 C Maximum splitting【数学/素数与合数/思维/贪心】
  7. HDU 2710 Max Factor(数论,素数筛法)
  8. Codeforces 180C. Letter
  9. 最小生成树 (Minimum Spanning Tree,MST) --- Prim算法
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