Introduction to the special issue of Radiation Protection Dosimetry

This special issue is a collection of peer-reviewed articles derived from presentations at the fourth EPR BioDose Meeting, held in Hanover, NH, USA in 4–8 October 2015. Organised by The International Association of Biological and EPR Radiation Dosimetry (IABERD), this meeting was held in combination with two international conferences (The International Symposium on EPR Dosimetry and Dating and The International Conference on Biodosimetry) and a symposium (The International EPR Society). The primary focus of this conference was on medical response to events in which large numbers of individuals may be exposed to significant levels of ionising radiation; topics included biodosimetry techniques, radiation mitigators, model systems to develop countermeasures, new data from different exposure events and the implication of these methods in a radiological emergency or in terrorist attack scenarios.

The conference received critical scientific and financial support from the RNCP, as indicated in the following communication from Dr DiCarlo-Cohen.


这个特殊问题是由2015年10月4 - 8日在美国新罕布什尔州汉诺威举行的第四届EPR BioDose会议上发表的同行评议文章集合。由国际生物和EPR辐射剂量学协会(IABERD)本次会议与两个国际会议(EPR剂量测定和约会国际研讨会和生物剂量学国际会议)和一个研讨会(国际EPR社会)联合举行。这次会议的主要重点是对大量个人可能接触到大量电离辐射的事件的医疗反应;主题包括生物测定技术,辐射缓解,开发对策的模型系统,来自不同暴露事件的新数据以及这些方法在放射性紧急情况或恐怖袭击情境中的影响。



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