#include <string.h>
char *strtok(char *str, const char *delim);
char *strtok_r(char *str, const char *delim, char **saveptr);
[c-sharp] view plaincopy
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
int main(int argc, char **argv)
char temp_buf[] = {};
char p_temp[];
char *p=NULL;
char *t = ".";
int m,n,i;
int j=,s=; if(argc!=)
printf("param must 2/n");
return -;
strcpy(temp_buf, argv[]);
for(i=; i<strlen(temp_buf);i++)
if(temp_buf[i] == *t)j++;
if(temp_buf[i] == *t && (temp_buf[i+]>=''&&temp_buf[i+]<=''))
if(j!= || j!=s)
printf("ip param format error/n");
return -;
p = strtok(temp_buf, t); while(p!=NULL)
strcpy(p_temp, p);
printf("%s /n", p_temp);
for(n=; n<strlen(p_temp);n++)
printf("ip param error/n");
return -;
} m = atoi(p_temp);
printf("ip invalid /n");
return -;
} p=strtok(NULL, ".");
printf("p = %s/n",p);
printf("ok! ip correct! ip=%s/n", argv[]);
return ;
[root@localhost liuxltest]# uname -r
[root@localhost liuxltest]# gcc -Wall ip_strtok.c -o ip_strtok
[root@localhost liuxltest]# ./ip_strtok p = p = p = p = (null)
ok! ip correct! ip=
[root@localhost liuxltest]# ./ip_strtok 172.18.
ip param format error
[c-sharp] view plaincopy
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
char *xl_strtok(char *str, const char *delim);
int main(int argc, char **argv)
if(argc != )
printf("param must be 3 /n");
return -;
} char *temp;
char *p_temp;
char *p;
temp=(char *)malloc();
p_temp=(char *)malloc();
strcpy(temp, argv[]);
strcpy(p_temp, argv[]);
printf("temp = %s /n",temp);
printf("p_temp = %s /n", p_temp);
p = xl_strtok(temp, p_temp);
printf("%s/n", p);
return ;
char *xl_strtok(char *s, const char *dm)
static char *last;
char *tok;
if(s == NULL)
s = last;
if(s == NULL)
return NULL;
tok = s;
while (*s != '/0')
while (*dm)
if (*s == *dm)
*s = '/0';
last = s + ;
return tok;
*strtok.c - tokenize a string with given delimiters
* Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
* defines strtok() - breaks string into series of token
* via repeated calls.
#include <cruntime.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <internal.h>
#else /* _SECURE_VERSION */
#include <mtdll.h>
#endif /* _SECURE_VERSION */
*char *strtok(string, control) - tokenize string with delimiter in control
* strtok considers the string to consist of a sequence of zero or more
* text tokens separated by spans of one or more control chars. the first
* call, with string specified, returns a pointer to the first char of the
* first token, and will write a null char into string immediately
* following the returned token. subsequent calls with zero for the first
* argument (string) will work thru the string until no tokens remain. the
* control string may be different from call to call. when no tokens remain
* in string a NULL pointer is returned. remember the control chars with a
* bit map, one bit per ascii char. the null char is always a control char.
* char *string - string to tokenize, or NULL to get next token
* char *control - string of characters to use as delimiters
* returns pointer to first token in string, or if string
* was NULL, to next token
* returns NULL when no more tokens remain.
#define _TOKEN *context
#else /* _SECURE_VERSION */
#define _TOKEN ptd->_token
#endif /* _SECURE_VERSION */
char * __cdecl strtok_s (
char * string,
const char * control,
char ** context
#else /* _SECURE_VERSION */
char * __cdecl strtok (
char * string,
const char * control
#endif /* _SECURE_VERSION */
unsigned char *str;
const unsigned char *ctrl = control;
unsigned char map[];
int count;
/* validation section */
_VALIDATE_RETURN(string != NULL || *context != NULL, EINVAL, NULL);
/* no static storage is needed for the secure version */
#else /* _SECURE_VERSION */
_ptiddata ptd = _getptd();
#endif /* _SECURE_VERSION */
/* Clear control map */
for (count = ; count < ; count++)
map[count] = ;
/* Set bits in delimiter table */
do {
map[*ctrl >> ] |= ( << (*ctrl & ));
} while (*ctrl++);
/* Initialize str */
/* If string is NULL, set str to the saved
* pointer (i.e., continue breaking tokens out of the string
* from the last strtok call) */
if (string)
str = string;
str = _TOKEN;
/* Find beginning of token (skip over leading delimiters). Note that
* there is no token iff this loop sets str to point to the terminal
* null (*str == '/0') */
while ( (map[*str >> ] & ( << (*str & ))) && *str )
string = str;
/* Find the end of the token. If it is not the end of the string,
* put a null there. */
for ( ; *str ; str++ )
if ( map[*str >> ] & ( << (*str & )) ) {
*str++ = '/0';
/* Update nextoken (or the corresponding field in the per-thread data
* structure */
_TOKEN = str;
/* Determine if a token has been found. */
if ( string == str )
return NULL;
return string;


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