My budding interest grew into a full-time obsession: creating artwork on my clunky, laggy laptop.


Since I didn’t have much luck with charcoal, paint, or watercolors, I used
graphic design
as an outlet for creative expression.


I spent hours in the computer lab learning the basics of HTML and CSS on
so that I could fill an online portfolio with my childish GIFs.

学习 HTML 和 CSS 的基础知识,以便我可以用我幼稚的 GIF 填充在线作品集。

A few months later, I published my first website on


Why open source


Open source allows us to not only achieve our goals but to discover interests that drive those goals.


Fast-forward nearly a decade. Many things have changed, although some have stayed consistent: I still make graphics (mostly flyers), edit music for a dance group, and design websites (sleeker, more effective ones, I hope).


The products I used have gone through countless version upgrades. But the most dramatic change is my approach to open source resources.


Considering the significance of open source products in my life has made me cherish the open movement and its mission.


Open source projects remind me that there are initiatives in tech that promote social good and self-learning without being exclusive to those who are socioeconomically advantaged.


My middle-school self, like countless others, couldn’t afford to purchase the Adobe Creative Suite, GarageBand, or Squarespace.

我中学时的自己,像无数其他人一样,无法购买 Adobe Creative Suite、GarageBand 或 Squarespace。

Open source platforms allow us to not only achieve our goals but to discover interests that drive those goals by broadening our access networks.


My advice? Enroll in a class on a whim. It just might change the way you view the world.



budding   正发芽的

full-time    完全的

obsession    着迷

clunky   笨拙的

laggy   迟缓的

laptop    笔记本电脑

outlet    出路

creative   创造性的

expression    表达

basic    基础

childish    幼稚的

publish    发表

allow to   允许,给予

achieve goal   实现目标

discover    发现

drive    驱动

fast-forward    快进

decade    十年

stay consistent    保持一致

flyer    传单

design    设计

website    网站

sleeker    时髦的

effective    有效的

go through   经历

countless  无数的

version    版本

upgrade    升级

dramatic    戏剧性的

approach   接近

resource    资源

consider    考虑

significance    意义

cherish    珍惜

mission    使命

remind    提醒

initiative    倡议

promote    促进

exclusive   排斥的

socioeconomic     社会经济的

advantaged   占有利位置的

couldn’t afford to    无法承担

purchase    购买

platform    平台

broaden   拓宽

access    接近

on a whim   一时兴起

view   看待

作者:Christine Hwang

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