
"status": "success",
"data": {...}


* 通用返回结果类
* 包含请求结果 status : "success" or "failed"
* 包含请求数据 data : {}
public class CommonReturnType { // 表明对应请求的返回处理结果为: "success" or "failed"
private String status; // 若status=success, 则data内返回前端需要的json数据
// 若status=failed, 则data内使用通用的错误码格式
private Object data; // 通用静态工厂方法
public static CommonReturnType create(Object result){
return CommonReturnType.create(result, "success");
} // 封装返回数据data
public static CommonReturnType create(Object result, String status){
CommonReturnType returnType = new CommonReturnType();
return returnType;
} public String getStatus() {
return status;
} public void setStatus(String status) {
this.status = status;
} public Object getData() {
return data;
} public void setData(Object data) {
this.data = data;


public CommonReturnType getUser(@RequestParam(name = "id") Integer id) throws BusinessException { // 调用service服务获取对应id的用户对象并返回给前端
UserModel userModel = userService.getUserById(id); // 获取对应的用户不存在
if(userModel == null){
throw new BusinessException(EnumBusinessError.USER_NOT_EXIST);
} // 将核心领域模型用户对象转换为可供UI使用的ViewObject,而不是直接将UserModel返回给前端
UserVO userVO = convertFromModel(userModel); // 返回通用对象
return CommonReturnType.create(userVO);


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