
In-App Purchase is an Apple technology that allows your users to purchase content and services from within your app. You set up In-App Purchase products through iTunes Connect, a suite of web-based tools. You implement In-App Purchase in your app using the Store Kit framework.

内置购买是一种苹果技术,它允许用户从你的应用内部购买内容和服务。你可以通过一套基于网络的工具在iTunes Connect设置内置购买。 你使用商店Kit框架在应用中实现内置购买。

For example, you can use In-App Purchase to implement any of the following scenarios:


  • A basic version of your app with additional premium features


  • A book reader app that allows the user to purchase and download new books


  • A game that offers new environments (levels) to explore


  • A game that allows players to purchase virtual property


  • An app that provides access to a turn-by-turn map service


  • A subscription to a digital magazine or newsletter


After you’ve designed one or more products to make available in your app, you’re ready to add In-App Purchase configuration information in iTunes Connect.

当你在你的应用中设计好一个或多个产品时,你就以及准备好在iTunes Connect中添加内置购买配置信息了。

If you aren’t already familiar with In-App Purchase, read Getting Started with In-App Purchase on iOS and OS X and Adding In-App Purchase to your iOS and Mac Applications. If you aren’t already familiar with iTunes Connect, read iTunes Connect Developer Guide.

如果你对内置购买还不熟悉,请看Getting Started with In-App Purchase on iOS and OS X 和 Adding In-App Purchase to your iOS and Mac Applications. 如果你不熟悉iTunes Connect,请看 iTunes Connect Developer Guide.

At a Glance


Use iTunes Connect to add, set up testing for, submit, and manage your In-App Purchase product configurations.

使用iTunes Connect 来添加,配置测试,提交,以及管理你的内置购买产品配置。

Configure Your In-App Purchase Products


After you’ve created an iTunes Connect record for your app, you can configure the In-App Purchase products that you want to make available through your app.

当你为你的应用创建了一个iTunes Connect记录后,你可以配置内置购买产品,这些产品将在你的应用中出售。

Test Your In-App Purchase Products

2. 测试你的内置购买产品

Test the In-App Purchase products you’ve configured to make sure they appear in your app’s store and to make sure that financial transactions work properly.


Submit Your In-App Purchase Products for Review

3. 上传你的内置购买产品以供审核

After you’ve included all the information for a product and tested to make sure it appears in your app’s store, you are ready to submit the product for review and to make it available on the store.


Manage the In-App Purchase Products Available in Your App

4. 管理应用程序中的内置购买产品

After an In-App Purchase product is approved and ready for sale, you can continue to manage its display, pricing, and availability on the store.




To configure In-App Purchase content in iTunes Connect, you need access to:

要想在iTunes Connect里配置内置购买内容,你需要经过:

See Also


As you include In-App Purchase products in your apps, you may want to refer to these additional Apple resources, which describe the associated business and development guidelines and requirements:


  • Getting Started with In-App Purchase on iOS and OS X provides an overview of In-App Purchase marketing strategies and business requirements.

    Getting Started with In-App Purchase on iOS and OS X 提供了一个内置购买市场战略和业务需求的概述。

  • “Adding Capabilities” in App Distribution Guide explains how to use Xcode to enable Apple services such as In-App Purchase.

    App Distribution Guide中的 “Adding Capabilities”解释了如何使用Xcode开启各种苹果服务,比如内置购买。

  • In-App Purchase Programming Guide describes using the Store Kit framework to embed a store inside your app.

    In-App Purchase Programming Guide 描述了用Store Kit框架在你的应用程序中嵌入一个商店。

  • In-App Purchase for Developers lists the references available to support you through development of your app and In-App Purchase content.

    In-App Purchase for Developers 罗列了支持完成你的整个应用开发和内置购买内容的各种引用。

  • iTunes Connect Developer Guide contains general information about creating an iTunes Connect record for your app to submit it to the App Store or the Mac App Store. In addition, this document describes other steps you’ll need to complete to market your app, including setting up your organization’s contracts and banking information and submitting app metadata, including artwork and localization information. It continues with information on how to monitor your app’s success.

    iTunes Connect Developer Guide 包含了各种基本信息,包括为即将发送到应用商店或Mac 应用商店的应用程序创建一个iTunes Connect 记录。另外,本文描述了完成发布你的应用程序需要的其它步骤,包括建立你的组织合同,银行信息以及发布应用程序元数据(metadata),包括artwork和本地化信息。它就如何监控你的应用程序的成功持续收集各种信息。

Throughout this document, look for links to additional documents on more specific topics throughout this document.




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