The children squealed with delight when they saw the puppy.
The signal will be converted into digital code.
These reasons are not sufficient to justify the ban.
The perimeter of the airfield is protected by guard-dogs.
Huge waves lashed the shore.
The car stalled and refused to start again.
After months of disappointment, his perseverance was finally rewarded.
She gestured her disappointment by laying her hand on her forehead.
The press has intensified its scrutiny of the candidate's background.
You'll eventually become immune to criticism.
He is in custody awaiting trial .
Why waste money on clothes you don't need?
Comets move around the sun in a long oval course.
There used to be a saying: 'Spare the rod and spoil the child.'
She is seeking revenge for the murder of her husband.
Please state your height and weight.
She never complains, but she's obviously exhausted.
A new system has been devised to control traffic in the city.
A painful back injury forced her to withdraw from the contest.
It's a kind of idealism that was alloyed with political skill.
The town has been designated a development area.
Changing stresses bring about more cracking and rock deformation.
The minister was asked to pronounce on the proposed new legislation.
Food will last longer if kept in an airtight container.
A tremendous amount of work has gone into the project.
The new manager was delegated to reorganize the department.
A boss must know how to delegate( work).
He was too stubborn to admit that he was wrong.
Careless use of the clutch may damage the gears.
He was contemporary with the dramatist Congreve.
Search your heart and ask if you're not equally to blame.
Tie the two ropes together with a knot.
Drastic measures will have to be taken to restore order.
The actor rehearsed the lines in his imagination.
A rich sense of the transaction between writer and reader


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