New words and expressions :


(n) 运气


  • You're not having much luck today,are you?

  • Good luck Tom!

 Good luck + with sth

  • Good luck with the exam 祝你考试好运

  • Good luck with your trip 祝你这次旅行好运

  • Good luck with your competition 祝你这次比赛好运




  • Captain Cook 库克船长


(n) 帆

  • sailboat 帆船

(v) 航行

  • sail along the coast 沿着海岸航行
  • sail around the world 环球航行

重点辨析:drive/fly/sail 驾驶/航行(飞机)/航行


(n) 港口

a busy harbor 一个热闹的港口

a fishing harbor 一个渔港


(a) 自豪的

be proud of 以....为自豪

  • Parents are proud of their children

  • You should be proud of yourself

be proud to do

  • I am proud to enter for the competition
  • I am proud to join the club

be proud that2

I am proud that I can enter for the competition


(a) 重要的

(v) 进口的3

import beef 进口牛肉

Learn the text

​ Our neighbor ,Captain Charles Alison ,will sail4 from Portsmouth tomorrow .We'll meet him at the harbor early in the morning .He will be in5 his small boat ,Topsail .Topsail is a famous little6 boat .It has sailed across the Atlantic many times7.Captain Alison will set out8 at eight o'clock,so we'll have plenty of time .We'll see his boat and then we'll say goodbye to him9 .He will be away for two months .We are very proud of him .He will take part in an important race10 across the Atlantic .


  • 多形容词组合:排列顺序讲究从虚到实,比如 a famous little boat , 即 主观 + 客观 + 名词.

  • 现在完成时定义(2): 到目前为止的经历

    ​ 常接:

    • (1) never,ever

      I have never used the service.

    • (2) twice,three,times,many time

      I have visited the harbor 3 times

    • (3) before,so far,yet

      Have you sailed a boat before

  • 延续性动词 + for + 一段时间

    He will be away for two months 他已经离开(不在了)两个月了。

    I have been up for 1 hour 我已经起床了一个小时了

  1. harbor(American) = harbour(England) = port

  2. 所有形容词基本都具有以上三种特性

  3. 反义词 export(v) 出口

  4. 一般将来时:will/shall+do

  5. on/in,乘坐高于自己的交通工具时使用on,乘坐低于自己的交通工具时用in

  6. 表“少”时接不可数名词,表“小”时无限制

  7. 很多次

  8. 动身,set off - 离开

  9. 词组:say hello/good bye to sb

  10. 跑步型比赛


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