E. Pashmak and Graph

Pashmak's homework is a problem about graphs. Although he always tries to do his homework completely, he can't solve this problem. As you know, he's really weak at graph theory; so try to help him in solving the problem.

You are given a weighted directed graph with n vertices and m edges. You need to find a path (perhaps, non-simple) with maximum number of edges, such that the weights of the edges increase along the path. In other words, each edge of the path must have strictly greater weight than the previous edge in the path.

Help Pashmak, print the number of edges in the required path.


The first line contains two integers nm (2 ≤ n ≤ 3·105; 1 ≤ m ≤ min(n·(n - 1), 3·105)). Then, m lines follows. The i-th line contains three space separated integers: uiviwi (1 ≤ ui, vi ≤ n; 1 ≤ wi ≤ 105) which indicates that there's a directed edge with weight wi from vertex ui to vertex vi.

It's guaranteed that the graph doesn't contain self-loops and multiple edges.


Print a single integer — the answer to the problem.


sl :直接排个序,然后dp搞一下,每条边相当于一个限制条件。但是注意的是,相同长度的不会被其更新,因此多开一数组记录就好了


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